- 公司名稱 北京華夏遠洋科技有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號
- 產地
- 廠商性質 代理商
- 更新時間 2017/8/7 6:01:10
- 訪問次數 564
PCRTaqN-5ml 2×快速TaqN DNA Polymerase Master-5ml,200次 5ml,200次 200
PCRTaqN-10ml 2×快速TaqN DNA Polymerase Master-10ml,400次 10ml,400次 350
PCRTaqN-20ml 2×快速TaqN DNA Polymerase Master-20ml,800次 20ml,800次 650
PCRPfu-5ml 快速Pfu DNA聚合酶:2×Pfu PCR Master-5.0ml,200次 5.0ml,200次 300
PCRPfu-10ml 快速Pfu DNA聚合酶:2×Pfu PCR Master-10.0ml,400次 10.0ml,400次 550
PCRPfu-20ml 快速Pfu DNA聚合酶:2×Pfu PCR Master-20.0ml,800次 20.0ml,800次 800
PCRKod-5ml 快速KOD DNA聚合酶:2×Pfu PCR Master-5.0ml,200次 5.0ml,200次 300
PCRKod-10ml 快速KOD DNA聚合酶:2×Pfu PCR Master-10.0ml,400次 10.0ml,400次 550
PCRKod-20ml 快速KOD DNA聚合酶:2×Pfu PCR Master-20.0ml,800次 20.0ml,800次 800
PCRRT1-50T CMB MMLV RTIII+ 2×RT PCR Mix-50次 50次 1199
PCRRT1-100T CMB MMLV RTIII+ 2×RT PCR Mix-100次 100次 1899
PCRRT2-50T CMB MMLV RTIII+ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit-50次 50次 499
PCRRT2-100T CMB MMLV RTIII+ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit-100次 100次 899
PCRRT2-800T CMB MMLV RTIII+ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit-800次 800次 5999
Mut-20T Quick Site-Directed Mutation Kit快速定點突變試劑盒-20次 20次 1499
Mut-50T Quick Site-Directed Mutation Kit快速定點突變試劑盒-50次 50次 3080
Mut-100次 Quick Site-Directed Mutation Kit快速定點突變試劑盒-100次 100次 5899
KOD-1KU Faat&HotStart KOD DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x Pfu Buffer with Mg2+)-1000U 1000U ¥199
KOD-5×1KU Faat&HotStart KOD DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x Pfu Buffer with Mg2+)-5000U 5000U ¥896
KOD-10×1KU Faat&HotStart KOD DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x Pfu Buffer with Mg2+)-10 KU 10 KU ¥1,791
Pfu Fast-1KU Faat Pfu DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x Pfu Buffer with Mg2+)-1000U 1000U ¥169
Pfu Fast-5×1KU Faat Pfu DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x Pfu Buffer with Mg2+)-5000U 5000U ¥761
Pfu Fast-10×1KU Faat Pfu DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x Pfu Buffer with Mg2+)-10 KU 10 KU ¥1,369
Pfu Fast&HotStar-1KU Faat&HotStart Fast Pfu DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x Pfu Buffer with Mg2+)-1000U 1000U ¥199
Pfu Fast&HotStar-5×1KU Fast Pfu DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x Pfu Buffer with Mg2+)-5×1000U 5×1000U ¥896
Pfu Fast&HotStar-10×1KU Fast Pfu DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x Pfu Buffer with Mg2+)-10×1000U 10×1000U ¥1,791
Taq-1KU Taq DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x PCR Buffer with 25mM Mg2+)-1000U 1000U ¥149
Taq-5×1KU Taq DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x PCR Buffer with 25mM Mg2+)-5×1000U 5×1000U ¥671
Taq-10×1KU Taq DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x PCR Buffer with 25mM Mg2+)-10×1000U 10×1000U ¥1,521
Taq Fast-1KU FAST& HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x PCR Buffer with 25mM Mg2+)-1000U 1000U ¥169
Taq Fast-5×1KU FAST& HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x PCR Buffer with 25mM Mg2+)-5×1000U 5×1000U ¥761
Taq Fast-10×1KU FAST& HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase (5U/ul,10x PCR Buffer with 25mM Mg2+)-10×1000U 10×1000U ¥1,791
TaqN Fast&HotStart-1KU Faat&HotStart Taq DNA聚合酶(含抗體):4倍速,耐熱98℃,可用粗樣品,熱啟動,送高效高GC PCR enhancer-1000U 1000U ¥169
TaqN Fast&HotStart-5×1KU Faat&HotStart Taq DNA聚合酶(含抗體):4倍速,耐熱98℃,可用粗樣品,熱啟動,送高效高GC PCR enhancer-5×1000U 5×1000U ¥749
TaqN Fast&HotStart-10×1KU Faat&HotStart Taq DNA聚合酶(含抗體):4倍速,耐熱98℃,可用粗樣品,熱啟動,送高效高GC PCR enhancer-10×1000U 10×1000U ¥1,568
PCRfPfu-5ml 2×Faat&HotStart Pfu PCR Master(5×1ml)-200 T×50μl 200 T×50μl ¥300
PCRfPfu-10ml 2×Faat&HotStart Pfu PCR Master(10×1ml)-400 T×50μl 400 T×50μl ¥550
PCRfPfu-20ml 2×Faat&HotStart Pfu PCR Master(20×1ml)-800 T×50μl 800 T×50μl ¥800
PCRfTaqN-5ml 2×Faat&HotStart TaqN PCR Master(5×1ml)-200 T×50μl 200 T×50μl ¥200
PCRfTaqN-10ml 2×Faat&HotStart TaqN PCR Master(10×1ml)-400 T×50μl 400 T×50μl ¥350
PCRfTaqN-20ml 2×Faat&HotStart TaqN PCR Master(20×1ml)-800 T×50μl 800 T×50μl ¥650
PCRfKod-5ml 2×Faat&HotStart KOD PCR Master(5×1ml)-200 T×50μl 200 T×50μl ¥300
PCRfKod-10ml 2×Faat&HotStart KOD PCR Master(10×1ml)-400 T×50μl 400 T×50μl ¥550
PCRfKod-20ml 2×Faat&HotStart KOD PCR Master(20×1ml)-800 T×50μl 800 T×50μl ¥800
C1507-100mg RNase A (核糖核酸酶A)-100mg 100mg ¥489
C1507-500mg RNase A (核糖核酸酶A)-500mg 500mg ¥1,959
C1507-1g RNase A (核糖核酸酶A)-1g 1g ¥3,390
C1507-5g RNase A (核糖核酸酶A)-5g 5g ¥14,990
K2004-25KU INDUMY Nuclease,equale to Benzonase-25KU 25KU ¥499
K2004-50KU INDUMY Nuclease,equale to Benzonase-50KU 50KU ¥899
K2004-500KU INDUMY Nuclease,equale to Benzonase-500KU 500KU ¥6,990
RT-2KU(2支起售) 高溫反轉錄酶C&M RTⅢ+(MMLV III, SuperScript III),反應溫度:zui適55度,zui高62度;-2000 2000 ¥120
RT-10KU 高溫反轉錄酶C&M RTⅢ+(MMLV III, SuperScript III),反應溫度:zui適55度,zui高62度;-10KU 10KU ¥499
RT001-50KU 高溫反轉錄酶C&M RTⅢ+(MMLV III, SuperScript III),反應溫度:zui適55度,zui高62度;-5×10KU 5×10KU ¥1,599
RT1st-50 C&M RTⅢ+1st Strand Synthesis SuperMaster(*鏈合成母液)-50次(20ul體系) 50次(20ul體系) ¥1,180
RT1st-100 C&M RTⅢ+1st Strand Synthesis SuperMaster(*鏈合成母液)-100次 100次 ¥1,999
RT001-50 C&M RTIII+F Fast RT-PCR Kit(HiFi)(快速RT-PCR試劑盒,高保真型)-50次 50次 ¥1,299
RT001-100 C&M RTIII+F Fast RT-PCR Kit(HiFi)(快速RT-PCR試劑盒,高保真型)-100次 100次 ¥1,999
RT002-50 C&M RTIII+F Fast RT-PCR Kit(快速RT-PCR試劑盒)-50次 50次 ¥1,199
RT002-100 C&M RTIII+F Fast RT-PCR Kit(快速RT-PCR試劑盒)-100次 100次 ¥1,899
1step-50 C&M MMLV RTIII+ One-Step 2×RT PCR Mix(一步法RT-qPCR 2×母液)-50次 50次 ¥1,199
1step-100 C&M MMLV RTIII+ One-Step 2×RT PCR Mix(一步法RT-qPCR 2×母液)-100次 100次 ¥1,899
1stepQ-50 C&M MMLV RTIII+ One-Step 2×RT PCR Mix(一步法RT-qPCR 2×母液)-50次 50次 ¥1,199
1stepQ-100 C&M MMLV RTIII+ One-Step 2×RT PCR Mix(一步法RT-qPCR 2×母液)-100次 100次 ¥1,899
1stepQ-5×100 C&M MMLV RTIII+ One-Step 2×RT PCR Mix(一步法RT-qPCR 2×母液)-5×100次 5×100次 ¥8,999
VETC01 新型克隆載體pUC57MC-10ul plasmid DNA 10ul plasmid DNA ¥3,200
DL2K-100次(5支起售) DL2000 (100~2000bp)-100次(200ul) 100次(200ul) ¥59
DL2K-500次 DL2000 (100~2000bp)-500次(1ml) 500次(1ml) ¥199
Ladder100bp-100次 100bp Ladder Plus-100次(200ul) 100次(200ul) ¥79
Ladder100bp-500次 100bp Ladder Plus-500次(1ml) 500次(1ml) ¥249
dNTP10-Mix-0.25ml 10mM dNTP Mix,超純-0.25ml 0.25ml 100
dNTP10-Mix-0.5ml 10mM dNTP Mix,超純-0.5ml 0.5ml 119
dNTP10-Mix-1ml 10mM dNTP Mix,超純-1ml 1ml 199
dNTP10-Mix-5×1ml 10mM dNTP Mix,超純-5×1ml 5×1ml 846
dNTP10-Mix-10×1ml 10mM dNTP Mix,超純-10×1ml 10×1ml 1,194
dNTP25-Mix-0.25ml 25mM dNTP Mix,超純-0.25ml 0.25ml 199
dNTP25-Mix-0.5ml 25mM dNTP Mix,超純-0.5ml 0.5ml 239
dNTP25-Mix-1ml 25mM dNTP Mix,超純-1ml 1ml 398
dNTP25-Mix-5×1ml 25mM dNTP Mix,超純-5×1ml 5×1ml 1,592
dNTP25-Mix-10×1ml 25mM dNTP Mix,超純-10×1ml 10×1ml 2,388
dNTP10-Mix-0.25ml 10mM dNTP Mix,高純-0.25ml 0.25ml 60
dNTP10-Mix-0.5ml 10mM dNTP Mix,高純-0.5ml 0.5ml 69
dNTP10-Mix-1ml 10mM dNTP Mix,高純-1ml 1ml 100
dNTP10-Mix-5×1ml 10mM dNTP Mix,高純-5×1ml 5×1ml 423
dNTP10-Mix-10×1ml 10mM dNTP Mix,高純-10×1ml 10×1ml 597
dNTP25-Mix-0.25ml 25mM dNTP Mix,高純-0.25ml 0.25ml 119
dNTP25-Mix-0.5ml 25mM dNTP Mix,高純-0.5ml 0.5ml 143
dNTP25-Mix-1ml 25mM dNTP Mix,高純-1ml 1ml 239
dNTP25-Mix-5×1ml 25mM dNTP Mix,高純-5×1ml 5×1ml 955
dNTP25-Mix-10×1ml 25mM dNTP Mix,高純-10×1ml 10×1ml 1,433
dNTP10-Set-0.25ml dNTP Set,超純,10mM each-0.25ml 0.25ml 89
dNTP10-Set-0.5ml dNTP Set,超純,10mM each-0.5ml 0.5ml 149
dNTP10-Set-1ml dNTP Set,超純,10mM each-1ml 1ml 229
dNTP10-Set-5×1ml dNTP Set,超純,10mM each-5×1ml 5×1ml 858.75
dNTP10-Set-10×1ml dNTP Set,超純,10mM each-10×1ml 10×1ml 1374
dNTP25-Set-0.25ml dNTP Set,超純,25mM each-0.25ml 0.25ml 229
dNTP25-Set-0.5ml dNTP Set,超純,25mM each-0.5ml 0.5ml 412
dNTP25-Set-1ml dNTP Set,超純,25mM each-1ml 1ml 742
dNTP25-Set-5×1ml dNTP Set,超純,25mM each-5×1ml 5×1ml 2,968
dNTP25-Set-10×1ml dNTP Set,超純,25mM each-10×1ml 10×1ml 4,452
dNTP100-Set-0.25ml dNTP Set,超純,100mM each-0.25ml 0.25ml 712
dNTP100-Set-0.5ml dNTP Set,超純,100mM each-0.5ml 0.5ml 1,282
dNTP100-Set-1ml dNTP Set,超純,100mM each-1ml 1ml 2,051
dNTP100-Set-5×1ml dNTP Set,超純,100mM each-5×1ml 5×1ml 6,152
dNTP100-Set-10×1ml dNTP Set,超純,100mM each-10×1ml 10×1ml 10,253
dNTP10-Set-0.25ml dNTP Set,高純,10mM each-0.25ml 0.25ml 44.5
dNTP10-Set-0.5ml dNTP Set,高純,10mM each-0.5ml 0.5ml 74.5
dNTP10-Set-1ml dNTP Set,高純,10mM each-1ml 1ml 114.5
dNTP10-Set-5×1ml dNTP Set,高純,10mM each-5×1ml 5×1ml 429
dNTP10-Set-10×1ml dNTP Set,高純,10mM each-10×1ml 10×1ml 687
dNTP25-Set-0.25ml dNTP Set,高純,25mM each-0.25ml 0.25ml 114.5
dNTP25-Set-0.5ml dNTP Set,高純,25mM each-0.5ml 0.5ml 229
dNTP25-Set-1ml dNTP Set,高純,25mM each-1ml 1ml 206
dNTP25-Set-5×1ml dNTP Set,高純,25mM each-5×1ml 5×1ml 824
dNTP25-Set-10×1ml dNTP Set,高純,25mM each-10×1ml 10×1ml 1,237
dNTP100-Set-0.25ml dNTP Set,高純,100mM each-0.25ml 0.25ml 356
dNTP100-Set-0.5ml dNTP Set,高純,100mM each-0.5ml 0.5ml 641
dNTP100-Set-1ml dNTP Set,高純,100mM each-1ml 1ml 1,025
dNTP100-Set-5×1ml dNTP Set,高純,100mM each-5×1ml 5×1ml 3,076
dNTP100-Set-10×1ml dNTP Set,高純,100mM each-10×1ml 10×1ml 5,126