Flame photometric detector FPD for short, is one of the 60 s was developed with high sensitivity, high selectivity of tester. High selectivity refers to the detector only have signal response to sulphur, phosphide, so also called sulphur phosphorous detector.
Su xiang ying analysis technology co., LTD., the latest successful development is a kind of rich oxygen, rich hydrogen flame type GC7990 double light path double flame photometric detector (GC7990DFPD). This new detector has the upper and lower two flame, the flame of a rich oxygen flame, used for the organic sulfur and phosphorus compounds and hydrocarbon oxidation generating corresponding oxide; On fire for a rich hydrogen flame, air can be organic sulfur, phosphorus oxide reduction for S2, HPO chemiluminescence molecules, etc. And hydrocarbon oxidation products, such as CO2, H2O and light signal, so DFPD can eliminate interference of hydrocarbon, and selectively measuring sulfur phosphorus compounds. In quantitative analysis, sulfur signals strict linear relationship with the square of the sulfide concentration (or a linear relationship with the square root of the signal and concentration), the response values of sulfur is 10-12 grams/SEC, response value of sulfur is 10 to 11 grams/SEC. At the same time, the detector has the double optical path system, to realize a sample synchronous detection of sulfur and phosphorus compounds. Therefore DFPD have high sensitivity, good selectivity and fast response time, analysis of high efficiency, can answer the capillary column and packed column, so in the environmental protection, engineering science, food inspection, and agricultural residues test has been widely used.