World's first commercially available PbGa2Se4 crystals! This unique layered material is commonly known as Lead Selleno Gallanate, and used as high electron mobility Gamma-ray detectors, photodetectors, and sensors. It has an indirect gap at 2.3 eV and direct gap at 2.35 eV. Considered to quasi-direct gap semiconductor. It's properties are currently unknown in mono- and few-layer regime, and based on prior research on bulk materials it is anticipated to possess high electronic mobility.
World's first commercially available PbGa2Se4 crystals! This unique layered material is commonly known as Lead Selleno Gallanate, and used as high electron mobility Gamma-ray detectors, photodetectors, and sensors. It has an indirect gap at 2.3 eV and direct gap at 2.35 eV. Considered to quasi-direct gap semiconductor. It's properties are currently unknown in mono- and few-layer regime, and based on prior research on bulk materials it is anticipated to possess high electronic mobility.