2 規(guī)范性引用文件--鹽霧試驗箱GBT10125-2012標準
ISO 1514:2004 色漆和清漆 標準試板(Paints and varnishes Standard for tesing)
ISO 2808:2007 色漆和清漆 漆膜厚度的測定(Paints and varnishes Determination of filmthickness)
ISO 3574:1999 商業(yè)級和沖壓級的冷軋?zhí)妓劁摫“澹–old-reduced carbon stiil sheet of commercialand drawing qualities)
ISO 8407:2009 金屬和合金的腐蝕 從腐蝕試驗樣本中清除腐蝕產(chǎn)物(Corrosion of metals and Alloys Removal ofcorrosion products from corrosion test specimens)
ISO 17872:2007 色漆和清漆 腐蝕試驗用金屬板涂層劃痕標記導則(Painits and varnishes Guidelines for theintroduction of scribe marks through coatings on metallic panels for corrosiontesting)
GB/T 10125-2012/ISO 9227:2006