工業(yè)產品 |
TURBOFILTER過濾器,TURBOFILTER干燥器,TURBOFILTER冷卻器,TURBOFILTER真空泵 Process-orientated solutions from engineering to complex turnkey plants: TURBOFILTER GMBH designs a host of different systems by BAT criteria in dependence on the requirements of a particular project. Industrial sectors such as the steel and metal production industries, cement, lime and gypsum industries, flue gas purification behind combustion plants, the chemical and food industries as well as coking plants are all supplied by TURBOFILTER with a broad range of products. Service and know-how- all from one source: in all phases of a project, form planning and detailed design through production and installation to after-sales service. You will find specialists for the conversion of electrostatic filters to fabric filters and for the modernisation of old plants of all makes among the highliy qualified team at TURBOFILTER GMBH 工業(yè)產品 |
上海武田機電有限公司,是專業(yè)的日本及歐美進口提供商。在歐洲,美國,日本及韓國擁有良好的渠道與深厚的關系,代理及經營多種品牌,產品涵蓋傳動機械,液壓機械,流體機械,工業(yè)控制及測量工具等系列,產品廣泛地應用于鋼鐵、冶金、石油、風能、環(huán)保、汽車、化工、輪胎、造紙、印刷、電力、水力、港口及工業(yè)制造行業(yè)... |