The extensibility and flexibility of the GSS9000 allows a very large number of possible configurations, made possible by three key functions of the system
- RF channel banks, with 4, 8, 12, or 16 channels per bank
- A ‘cabinet’ of license feature keys to determine which GNSS signals can be simulated
- A software license to determine specific features
Increasingly, GNSS receivers and sensors do not operate in isolation. If development and verification testing of integrated systems is required then it is essential that other sensors are emulated and other signals are reproduced coherent with the GNSS signals.
The GSS9000 has been designed to operate with all of Spirent’s extensive range of options and system extensions. For example, inertial sensors can be emulated by SimINERTIAL™. Wheel tick sensors and VSS signals are reproduced by SimAUTO™. Noise and channel interference can be reproduced by the GSS7765. Spoofing vulnerability and resilience can be tested with Spirent’s SimSAFE™.
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