手機:13122441390 15900755943
點擊次數(shù):550 發(fā)布時間:2015-6-15
Mark Chance和他的同事們應用蛋白組學方法檢測糖尿病大鼠兩個不同發(fā)展階段體內(nèi)蛋白質(zhì)的相對量(勃起時充血陰莖增大的組織):患糖尿病后的一周和兩個月。將這些大鼠與作為對照的相同年齡的健康大鼠進行比較,確定糖尿病大鼠的陰莖組織中有57種蛋白質(zhì)增高或降低。
Mark Chance和他的同事們指出,他們研究所用的動物模型模擬了很多人類勃起功能障礙相關的特征,因此,鑒定這57種候選蛋白可以對人類糖尿病和勃起功能障礙之間的關系做進一步的闡釋以及更詳細的研究,并獲得對疾病的診斷和研究出藥物靶點。
Identifying Molecular Targets for Diabetes-Related Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is one of the most prevalent diabetes-induced complications in men; current estimates suggest that as many as 75% of men with diabetes will develop some degree of erectile dysfunction, and in many cases diabetics develop more severe forms of ED that are less responsive to standard drugs.
Now, in a study appearing in the March Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, researchers at Case Western Reserve University and Albert Einstein College of Medicine have identified some of the molecular changes that accompany the onset of diabetes-induced ED, which may lead to markers that will help identify ED risk as well as new potential drug targets.
Mark Chance and colleagues used a proteomics approach to examine the relative abundance of proteins in the corpora (the expandable tissues along the length of the penis which fill with blood during erection) of diabetic rats at two different stages of progression: one week and two months after the onset of diabetes. By comparing these rats to healthy age-matched controls, they identified 57 proteins in the penile tissue that either increased or decreased during diabetes.
The candidate proteins revealed insights into the mechanics of ED; perhaps not surprisingly, collagen proteins that provide strength and stiffness were down-regulated in diabetes, as were proteins that transport sex hormones. Meanwhile, proteins involved in cell death (apoptosis) were up-regulated, as were many proteins related to fat metabolism, changes that might be related to narrowing or hardening of blood vessels.
Chance and colleagues note that the rat model they used in the study mimics many relevant features of human ED, and thus the identification of these 57 candidate proteins could open up further and more detailed studies into the relationship between diabetes and ED in humans, and also lead to diagnostic and drug targets.