Hillesheim工業(yè)加熱軟管 實驗室加熱軟管 加 加熱帶 加熱墊 加熱套 電加熱板 玻璃加熱元件 溫控 |
Hillesheim工業(yè)加熱軟管 實驗室加熱軟管 加 加熱帶 加熱墊 加熱套 電加熱板 玻璃加熱元件 溫控 德國Hillesheim工業(yè)加熱軟管 實驗室加熱軟管加 加熱帶 加熱墊 加熱套 電加熱板 玻璃加熱元件 溫控器 產(chǎn)品系列: 工業(yè)加熱軟管 實驗室加熱軟管 加 加熱帶 表面加熱元件 加熱墊 加熱套 電加熱板 玻璃加熱元件 溫控器
Industry Heating Hoses
Standard heating hose Series H 100 / H 700 / H 200 / H 800 Applications: Technical details 250 °C
Heating hose system for adhesive and plastic H200 Special Applications: Technical details 250 °C
Heating hose system for co-extrusion for the plastics industry H 800 Special Applications: Technical details 250 °C
Heating hose with stainless-steel presure hose T-5 Series H 900 Applications: Technical details 600 °C
Heated twin-hose Series H 400
Technical details 80 °C
Heating hose with internal heating Series H 500 Applications: Technical details 100 °C
Heating hose with explosion approved heating conductors H 600 (Ex) Applications: Technical details 60 °C
Double-jacket heating hose HDM 95 / 200 Applications: Technical details 95 °C
Heat transfer hose HDM 60 / 62 Applications: Technical details 60 °C
Heated pipe systems Series HR Applications: Technical details 900 °C
Transfer / unload hose Series HE Applications: Technical details 90 °C
Compact foodstuffs hose with integrated heating and optional electronic control Series HL 40 / 80 Applications: Technical details 80 °C
Heated water-hose Series HW 19 / 25 Applications: Technical details Analytical Heating Hoses
Analytical heating hose with RSL fitting and PTFE basic hose Series H 300 Applications: Technical details 600 °C
Analytical heating hose with exchangeable inner cores, which protrude at the ends Series H 300 A Applications: Technical details 600 °C
Automatically limiting analytical heating hose with firm PTFE inner core available in reels or by the metre Series H 300 B Applications: Technical details 180 °C
Analytical heating hose with replaceable inner cores and screw fitting Series H 300 C Applications: Technical details 250 °C
Heating hose with integrated filter Series HAF
Technical details 200 °C
Mini heating hose Series HMI Applications: Technical details 200 °C
Heating sleeve HIH Applications: Technical details 200 °C
Isolating sleeve without heating Isolating sleeve HI Applications: Technical details 200 °C
Housing with integrated heater Hot-Box Applications: Technical details 250 °C Heating Cords
Moisture-proof heating cords Type HST Technical details 250 °C
Heating cord with tight winding radi Type HS und HSS Technical details 450 °C
High temperature heating cord Type HSQ Technical details 900 °C
Single-wire haeting cord Type EKL (Ex) Technical details 200 °C Heating Tapes
Heating tape preparation
Technical details
Ex-connection system for PSB and HSB heating tapes Plexo connector system (Ex) Technical details
GighTechIntegral; HTI heating tape with the heating conductor as a sensor Type HKSI 70 Ni Technical details 180 °C
Parallel heating tape by the metre can be made up as required Type HKSP 20 Technical details 60 °C
Parallel heating tape by the metre can be made up as required Type HKSI 40 Technical details 150 °C
Self-limiting heating tapes with Ex-approval Type HBRC Technical details 65 °C
Self-limiting heating tapes Type HBR Technical details 120 °C
Narrow version heating tape Type HSTD Technical details 250 °C
Heating tape with metallic braid Type HSTDD Technical details 250 °C
Heating tape with glass filament Type HBS / HB Technical details 450 °C
High temperature heating tape Type HBQ Technical details 900 °C Heating Mats
Robust heater tarps for large surfaces Type HP 60 Applications: Technical details 80 °C
Flexible silicone heating mats, splash-proof Type HSI
Technical details 200 °C
Heating mat with a PTFE carrier Type HMST Applications: Technical details 250 °C
Heating mat made of woven glass-fabric Type HMSG Applications: Technical details 450 °C
Heating mat of high-grade woven ceramic fibre Type HMSQ Applications: Technical details 900 °C
Heating mat with a metal carrier Type HMG Applications: Technical details 250 °C Heating Sleeves
Hinged sleeves with metal jacket Type HMM Applications: Technical details 250 °C
Flexible heating sleeve with glass filament fabric jacket Type HFH Applications: Technical details Heating Sleeves
Hinged sleeves with metal jacket Type HMM Applications: Technical details 250 °C
Flexible heating sleeve with glass filament fabric jacket Type HFH Applications: Technical details Barrel Heating
Robust barrel heating mat Type HM 20 Technical details 120 °C
Multi-socket outlet with temperature control of the barrel content Type HFV / HFT / HFP Technical details
Heavy-duty, stabile barrel base heating panel Type HB 20 Technical details 120 °C
barrel base heating panel Type HBR 10 Technical details 100 °C
Flexible barrel heating sleeve Type HM10 Technical details 80 °C
Flexible barrel insulating sleeve Type HFI10 Technical details 80 °C
Flexible barrel insulating sleeve Type HFI 20 Technical details Electric Heating Plate
Pressure-proof aluminium electric heating plate Type HAP Applications: Technical details Glass Heating Elements
Glass heating elements VitroTherm Type HVT Applications: Technical details 60 °C Special Developments
Air heater with highly flexible connector hose Airtherm air heater Applications: Technical details 100 °C
Flexible heating jacktes HFM Applications: Technical details 600 °C
Clip-sytle tracer heating SMI Applications: Technical details 150 °C
For hoses and pipes HIF tracer heating Applications: Technical details 200 °C
HTI-Heating tape with the heating conductor as a sensor Technical details 180 °C
Analytical heating hose with the HTI controller - heating tape Technical details 180 °C
Heating sleeve HFH Special Technical details 120 °C
Heating sleeve for tubes and cartridges Technical details 250 °C Temperature Controllers
Compact controller / Limiter-Combination Series HT 41 / 42 Technical details
Electronic compact controller Series HT 43 Technical details |
安諾科技(北京恒遠安諾科技有限公司),致力于為客戶提供德國及歐洲生產(chǎn)的各類工控機電設備、儀器儀表、零配件,保證100%原裝*。公司總部設在歐洲航空中心法蘭克福,距法蘭克福機場僅35km, 通過拼單發(fā)貨的物流方式,小訂單也不用承擔高運費,zui大程度地為客戶節(jié)省采購成本,因此本公司所有產(chǎn)品均不設zui小訂單金額或zui小訂購數(shù)量。