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擦磨損試驗機,海綿泡沫切割機,耐電弧試驗儀,耐電痕化指數試驗儀, 表面電阻、體積電阻
制造標準:(GB/T6670-2008 ISO8307 ASTM D3574 ISO8307)軟質泡沫聚合材料落球法回彈性能的測定
具有一定質量和直徑的鋼球,從固定高度下落到試樣表面,測量鋼球彈起的高度,計算鋼球彈起高度與下落高度比值的百分率。 該機采用微處理器進行控制,液晶中文顯示,并可打印試驗數據。 該機具有使用安全、可靠、測量精度高等特點。 依據標準: 依據標準:ASTM D3574及ISO8307:2007(軟質泡沫聚合材料-落球法回彈性能的測定), GB/T6670-2008(軟質泡沫聚合村料落球法回彈性能的測定) 海綿泡沫塑料落球回彈測試儀通過標準規(guī)定直徑和質量的鋼球在規(guī)定高度上自由落在海綿泡沫塑料試樣上,自動計算鋼球回彈的zui大高度與鋼球落下高度比值的百分率(既回彈率),以回彈率表示泡沫塑料的回彈性能。
海綿泡沫塑料落球回彈測試儀采用微處理器進行控制,液晶屏顯示中文操作,具有使用操作方便,性能可靠, 測量精度高等特點,并可打印試驗數據。
鋼球落下距離: 460±0.5%mm(國標)500±0.5%mm(美標) 鋼球直徑: ¢16±0.05 mm 落球回彈率精度: <1.5% 自動計算平均回彈調試 自動計算平均回彈率 產品特點:
1、既可做國標460 試樣,又可做美標500 試樣。(同類產品只能做國標460 試樣)
Scope of application and features:
Is suitable for the determination of soft polyurethane foam falling ball type can rebound resilience.
Have a certain quality and the diameter of steel ball, falling from a fixed height to the sample surface, measure the height of steel ball bounces, calculate the percentage of steel ball bounce height and drop height ratio. The machine USES microprocessor control, LCD display in Chinese, and we can print the test data. The machine has the use of safe, reliable, high measurement precision, etc. According to the standard: according to the standard: ASTM D3574 and ISO8307:2007 (soft foam polymeric material - falling ball method for the determination of resilience can), GB/T6670-2008 village (soft foam polymerization material falling ball method for the determination of resilience can) sponge foam falling ball springback tester by standard and quality of steel ball diameter in the specified height on free falling on the sponge foam plastics specimens, automatically calculate the springback of maximum height of steel ball and ball drop height ratio (both resilient rate), the percentage of resilience can expressed as a resilient rate foam plastics.
Sponge foam falling ball rebound test instrument using microprocessor control, LCD screen display Chinese operations, with use of convenient operation, reliable performance, high measurement precision, and can print the test data.
Technical specifications:
Ball falling distance: 460-500 mm (gb) 500 + / - 0.5% mm (American standard) ball diameter: ¢16 plus or minus 0.05 mm ball precision resilient rate: < 1.5% automatically calculates the average rebound debugging Calculated the average rebound rate automatically
Product features:
1, both can do gb 460 samples, and can do 500 American standard sample. (can only make similar product gb 460 sample)
2, LCD screen, Chinese display, as well as increase the service life, easy to understand, technical personnel can quickly master the operation method. (the same products for the digital tube display, show only the number)
3, with the function of print, equipped with a printer. (the same products no print function)
以上信息由企業(yè)自行提供,信息內容的真實性、準確性和合法性由相關企業(yè)負責,化工儀器網對此不承擔任何保證責任。 溫馨提示:為規(guī)避購買風險,建議您在購買產品前務必確認供應商資質及產品質量。