The 8671B Synthesized CW Generator is a streamlined 2.0 to 18GHz synthesized CW Generator meeting all the requirements for a clean CW source. Features synthesized output with 1, 2, or 3kHz resolution, 128 dB dynamic range, +8 dBm calibrated output power, full programmability (HP-IB), low phase noise, plus low spurious signals. Can also be used for applications requiring a microwave local oscillator and as a microwave source for downconversion. Simple, easy-to-use front-panel and display
* Frequency Range: 2.0GHz to 18.0GHz
* Frequency Resolution: 1KHz to 3KHz
* Output Range: +8dBm
* SSB Phase Noise Range: HP-IB
* Amplitude Accuracy: +/-1.0dB
* Amplitude Range: -120dbm to 8dbm
Key Points
* Full programmable
* Low phase noise
* Low spurious signals
* Synthesized sweep
* mm-drive capablility
深圳市微普測電子有限公司 陳丙州-