By using the TREC hard- and software extension for the LED light source control unit it is possible to control the LED light source via a comfortable graphical user interface on a personal computer.
Product Information
By using the TREC hard- and software extension for the LED light source control unit it is possible to control the LED light source via a comfortable graphical user interface on a personal computer. This PC tools consists of a PCI insert card for a desktop personal computer, a software with a graphical user interface running under Microsoft Windows? operating system and a special connection cable for connecting the PCI insert card with TREC′s LED light source control unit (a personal computer is optional available).
Figure 1: Graphical user interface of the Light source control software
The schematic diagram of the complete TREC light stimulation system is shown in figure 2. This is a complete integrated solution for optical stimulation during optogenetic experiments, consisting of optical fibers with conical or blunt tip shapes, a LED light source with control unit and a personal computer software for convenient control of the optical stimulation parameters (light intensity and timing)

Figure 2: Schematic diagram of the TREC Light stimulation system (click on picture to enlarge!)

Figure 3: The soft- and hardware bundle of this product consists of a graphical user interface running under MS Windows operating system, a PCI insert card for a desktop personal computer and a connection cable for the TREC LED control unit