SNAP-CUTANA™HA Tag Panel提供了用于驗證抗HA抗體和確認涉及HA表位標記的染色質蛋白的成功CUT&RUN反應的檢測控制。這一重要的陽性對照指導排除故障,以區(qū)分HA表位標簽問題(包括轉基因表達、標記蛋白的染色質結合、標簽的溶劑可及性等)與CUT&RUN工作流程中的技術故障。該面板由兩個包含未修飾組蛋白H3或3xHA-H3融合的核小體組成,每個核小體都包裹有兩個獨-特的條形碼DNA模板(A和B,用于內部技術復制)。核小體分別與順磁珠偶聯(lián),并匯集成一個Panel,方便一步插入到切割和運行反應。在添加抗ha或IgG陰性對照抗體之前,將該檢測組合與ConA固定的細胞一起添加(見應用說明和表1)。pAG-MNase釋放基因組染色質和條形碼核小體取決于所用抗體的特異性。測序后,恢復的HA與未修飾的核小體的相對讀長計數(shù)提供了在靶恢復與脫靶恢復的定量指標(圖2),從而衡量實驗的成功率,并指導故障排除工作。有關工作流集成、預期結果、數(shù)據(jù)分析和故障排除的詳細信息,請參閱最新的CUTANA™ CUT&RUN方法(相關鏈接可找Epicypher代理商欣博盛生物獲?。┖蚐NAP-CUTANA™ Spike-in(相關鏈接可找Epicypher代理商欣博盛生物獲取)用戶指南。
Figure 1: Schematic of SNAP-CUTANA™ HA Tag Panel |
The HA Tag Panel contains two nucleosomes - one has an H3 tail fusion to a 3xHA Tag epitope and one is an unmodified control. Both octamers are wrapped with two uniquely barcoded DNA templates (A and B). Each 250 bp DNA template contains a 123 bp 601 nucleosome positioning sequence (gray) [1], a unique 22 bp DNA-barcode (white; 4 barcodes total), and a 5’ biotin-TEG. The 5’ and 3’ linkers (blue) are compatible with cleavage by pAG-MNase (EpiCypher 14-1048, 15-1016) during CUT&RUN. The nucleosomes are individually pre-conjugated to paramagnetic beads and pooled for convenient use. |
Figure 2: SNAP-CUTANA™ HA Tag Panel provides an in-assay control for CUT&RUN reactions targeting HA-tagged proteins |
CUT&RUN was performed as described in Figure 5. CUT&RUN sequencing reads were aligned to the unique DNA barcodes corresponding to each nucleosome in the SNAP-CUTANA™ HA Tag Panel. Data are expressed as a percent relative to on-target recovery (HA Tag set to 100%) or total counts (IgG). IgG antibody results demonstrate equal loading of unmodified and epitope nucleosomes in the panel. HA Tag antibody results show selective enrichment of the HA Tag spike-in nucleosomes, validating all CUT&RUN steps, including HA antibody binding, pAG-MNase cleavage, and wash conditions |
Table 1: Recommended SNAP-CUTANA™ HA Tag Panel Spike-in dilution for CUT&RUN reactions of varying starting cell number. |
Figure 3: DNA gel data |
Nucleosomes in the SNAP-CUTANA™ HA Tag Panel were resolved via native PAGE and stained with ethidium bromide to confirm intact nucleosome assembly. Lane 1: Free 250 bp DNA used in nucleosome assembly (100 ng). Lane 2: Intact nucleosomes (400 ng). |
Figure 4: Protein gel data |
Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE gel of the nucleosome containing a 3xHA-H3 fusion (1 μg) in the SNAP-CUTANA™ HA Tag Panel demonstrates the purity of histones in the preparation. Sizes of molecular weight markers and positions of the core histones (H2A, H2B, 3xHA-H3, and H4) are indicated. |
Figure 5: CUT&RUN methods |
CUT&RUN was performed on 500k MDA-MB-231 native cells stably expressing 3xHA-tagged GATA3 [1]* using the CUTANA™ ChIC/CUT&RUN Kit v3 (EpiCypher 14-1048). SNAP-CUTANA™ HA Tag Panel was added just prior to the addition of either HA Tag (0.5 µg; EpiCypher 13-2010) or IgG negative control (0.5 µg; EpiCypher 13-0042) antibodies. Library preparation was performed with 5 ng of DNA (or the total amount recovered if less than 5 ng) using the CUTANA™ CUT&RUN Library Prep Kit (EpiCypher 14-1001/14-1002). Libraries were run on an Illumina NextSeq2000 with paired-end sequencing (2x50 bp). Data were aligned to the hg19 genome using Bowtie2. Data were filtered to remove duplicates, multi-aligned reads, and ENCODE DAC Exclusion List regions. *Thanks to Dr. Takaku (UND) for 3xFLAG-GATA3-3xHA MDA-MB-231 cells. |
貨號 | 產品名稱 | 規(guī)格 |
19-5002 | SNAP-CUTANA™ HA Tag Panel | 50 Reactions |
[1] Lowary & Widom J. Mol. Biol. (1998). PMID: 9514715
[2] Takaku et al. Genome Biol. (2016). PMID: 26922637