用水泥襯墊在橡膠襯里上封閉是由一種特殊的酚醛材料制成的(木材填充),非常耐高溫和蒸汽在高壓蒸汽中遇到的溫度和蒸汽。在橡膠班輪提供,使用的水泥也被選擇保留它的adhe -高級屬性在高壓滅菌法。適用于73750,73760和73770一次性文化管。也可用于73785個一次性離心管。設計于ASTM規(guī)格E982。
Cap with Cemented-In Rubber Liner
Closure is made of a special phenolic material (wood filled) very resistant to the ef-fects of temperature and steam encountered in autoclaving. A cemented-in rubber
liner is provided, and the cement used has also been selected to retain its adhe-
sive properties during autoclaving. Intended for use with 73750, 73760 and 73770
disposable culture tubes. May also be used with 73785 disposable centrifuge tubes.
Designed from ASTM Specification E982.
73800-13415/73800-15415/73800-18415美國KIMBLE試管蓋適用于73750試管蓋 KIMAX試管蓋