




品       牌: Agilent/安捷倫


所  在  地:上海市

更新時間:2023-11-15 09:06:19瀏覽次數:1996

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以下為部分安捷倫同系列產品貨號清單,如果沒有找到合適的,歡迎隨時聯系 我們提供貨號獲取報價。

5190-1501Syringe 50.0 uL FN  LC tip
5190-1502Syringe, 50 uL RN bevel tip
5190-1503Syringe, 50 uL, PTFE, FN, bevel tip
5190-1504Syringe, 50 uL PTFE RN bevel tip
5190-1505Syringe, 50 uL PTFE RN LC tip
5190-1506Syringe, 50 uL, PTFE,  fixed Luer lock
5190-1507Syringe, 100 uL, FN, bevel tip
5190-1508Syringe, 100 uL, FN, LC tip
5190-1509Syringe, 100 uL, RN, bevel tip
5190-1510Syringe, 100 uL, PTFE, FN, bevel tip
5190-1511Syringe, 100 uL PTFE RN bevel tip
5190-1512Syringe, 100 uL, PTFE, RN, LC tip
5190-1513Syringe, 100 uL PTFE, fixed Luer lock
5190-1514Syringe, 250 uL, FN, bevel tip
5190-1515Syringe, 250 uL, FN, LC tip
5190-1516Syringe, 250 uL RN bevel tip
5190-1517Syringe, 250 uL, PTFE, FN, bevel tip
5190-1518Syringe, 250 uL PTFE RN bevel tip
5190-1519Syringe, 250 uL PTFE, fixed Luer lock
5190-1520Syringe, 250 uL PTFE RN LC tip
5190-1521Syringe, 500 uL, FN, bevel tip
5190-1522Syringe, 500 uL,FN, LC tip
5190-1523Syringe, 500 uL, PTFE, FN, bevel tip
5190-1524Syringe, 500 uL RN bevel tip
5190-1525Syringe, 500 uL PTFE RN bevel tip
5190-1526Syringe, 500 uL PTFE RN LC tip
5190-1527Syringe, 500 uL PTFE, fixed Luer lock
5190-1528Syringe, 1 mL, PTFE, FN, bevel tip
5190-1529Syringe, 1 mL PTFE RN bevel tip
5190-1530Syringe, 1 mL, PTFE,  fixed Luer lock
5190-1531Syringe, 1mL, PTFE, Luer lock P-P valve
5190-1532Syringe, 2.5 mL, PTFE, FN, bevel tip
5190-1533Syringe, 2.5 mL PTFE RN bevel tip
5190-1534Syringe, 2.5mL, PTFE, Luer lock
5190-1535Syringe, 2.5mL, PTFE,Luer lock P-P valve
5190-1536Syringe, 5 mL, PTFE, FN, bevel tip
5190-1537Syringe, 5 mL PTFE RN bevel tip
5190-1538Needle, 50 mm 23g bevel tip 3/pk
5190-1539Syringe, 5 mL, PTFE, fixed Luer lock
5190-1540Syringe, 5 mL, PTFE,Luer lock P-P valve
5190-1541Syringe, 10 mL, PTFE, FN, bevel tip
5190-1542Syringe, 10 mL PTFE RN bevel tip
5190-1543Syringe, 10 mL, PTFE,Luer lock P-P valve
5190-1544Syringe, 25 mL PTFE removable Luer lock
5190-1545Syringe, 25mL,PTFE Luer lock P-B valve
5190-1546Syringe, 50 mL PTFE removable Luer lock
5190-1547Syringe, 50 mL PTFE Luer lock P-B valve
5190-1548Needle, luer lok 23/50 bevel tip 3/pk
5190-1549Needle, luer lok 23/50/side hole 3/pk
5190-1550Needle, luer lok 22/51/LC tip 3/pk
5190-1558Plunger, replacement  PTFE 10 ul FN
5190-1559Plunger, replacement PTFE 10 ul RN
5190-1560Plunger, 25 uL PTFE
5190-1561Plunger, 50 uL, PTFE tip
5190-1562Plunger, 100 uL PTFE tip
5190-1564Plunger,  500 uL PTFE tip
5190-1565Plunger,  1 mL PTFE tip
5190-1571Needle, 2 inch 22 g LC tip 3/pk
5190-1572Plunger, 2.5 ml PTFE tip
5190-1573Plunger, 5.0 ml PTFE tip
5190-1574Plunger, 10 ml PTFE tip
5190-1581Needle, 50 mm 23 g Bevel tip 3/pk
5190-1582Needle, 50 mm 23g bevel tip 3/pk
5190-1584Syringe, 10 ul RN bevel tip
5190-1599Blue Screw Cap,PTFE/Red Si Septa 1000
5190-2237Insert and Cap Refill Kit for 96WP
5190-2240Snap Vial and Cap Convenience Pk 500
5190-2241Crimp Vial and Cap Convenience Pk 500
5190-2257HS Crimp Cap PTFE/Si Septa, 10000/pk
5190-2258HS Crimp Cap Mlded PTFE/Butyl Spta 10000
5190-2267Snap Cap clr w/ clr PTFE/si sep 50000
5190-2268Liner O-Ring, Non-Stick Flip *00 pk
5190-2269Liner O-Ring, Non-Stick 100 pk
5190-2270Liner,splitless,tar,no wool, 100/pk
5190-2271Liner,splitless,tar,wool, 100/pk
5190-2272Liner,splitless,2 tar,no wool, 100/pk
5190-2275Liner,split,low pressure drop 100/pk
5190-2278MS Analyzed Kit Clr Scrw WriteOn PTFE/Si
5190-2280MS Analyzed Kit Amb Scrw WriteOn PTFE/Si
5190-2282MS Analyzed Kit Clr Crmp WriteOn PTFE/Si
5190-2283MS Analyzed Kit Amb WrtOn Crmp PTFE/Si
5190-2292Liner, UI,splitless,single tar,no wool
5190-2293Liner,UI,splitless,sngle tar,glasswool
5190-2294Liner, UI,split, straight, glass wool
5190-2295Liner,UI,universal,low pressure drop,GW
5190-2296Liner, 2 mm dimpled deactivated
5190-2297Liner, UI 2mm dimpled splitless
5190-3156Screw Cap Blue PTFE/Silicone Septa
5190-3157Septa Non-stick BTO  11 mm 400/pk
5190-3158Septa No-Stick Adv Green  11mm 400/pk
5190-3162Liner,UI, spltls,sngl tpr,no wool, 5/pk
5190-3163Liner,UI,splitless,single tar,GW, 5/pk
5190-3164Liner,UI,split,straight,Glass Wool, 5/pk
5190-3165Liner,UI,universal,low prss drop,GW,5/pk
5190-3166Liner,UI, spltls,sngl tpr,no wool,25/pk
5190-3167Liner,UI,splitless,single tar,GW,25/pk
5190-3168Liner,UI,split,straight,Glass Wool,25/pk
5190-3169Liner,UI,universl,low prss drop,GW,25/pk
5190-3170Liner,UI, spltls,sngl tpr,no wool,100/pk
5190-3171Liner,UI,splitlss,single tar,GW,100/pk
5190-3173Liner,UI,universl,low prss drp,GW,100/pk
5190-3177barcd label +ribbon for 2ml vial 2500/rl
5190-3178Barcd label and ribbon lowtemp hdsp vial
5190-3182barcoding label only hightemp hdsp 500rl
5190-31862ml Crmp Cap PTFE/Silicone 10,000/pk
5190-3187Vial,MicroV TSProbe,1uL,SLN,100PK
5190-318811mm electronic crimr w/lithium batt
5190-318920mm electronic crimr w/lithium batt
5190-319011mm electronic decapr w/lithium batt
5190-319120mm electronic decapr w/lithium batt
5190-319822mm Septa epa lowbleed fr Archon 300/pk
5190-397622mm Septa epa lowbleed fr Archon 60/pk
5190-397822mm septa for Archon caps ptfe/sil 72pk
5190-3983Liner,UI,splitless,dbl-tar,no wool
5190-3986Hdsp scrw cap hightemp septa 100/pk
5190-3987Hdsp crimp cap high rf septa 100/pk
5190-3988P3211 pH comb electrode w/fill solution
5190-3990P3311 pH triode electrd w/refl solution
5190-3991P3111 pH electrode only
5190-400040mL strg vial kit ambr opn cap 100/pk
5190-4006Liner, Ultra Inert 2mm Dimpled 5/PK
5190-4007Liner,UI,Splitless,dbl-tar,no wool,5PK
5190-4047Liner, Ultra Inert,straight 1mm ID
5190-4048Liner,Ultra Inert,straight 0.75mm ID
5190-4049Blue scrw cap PTFE Red sil septa 5,000pk
5190-4050Blue screw cap PTFE/sil/PTFE 5000 pk
5190-4051Crmp cap 11mm PTFE/S/PTFE septa 5,000pk
5190-4052Crmp cap 11mm PTFE/S septa 5,000pk
5190-4053Crmp cap 11mm PTFE/RdRbbr septa 5,000pk
5190-4054Ferrule, no hole VG-1  short 10/PK
5190-4056Liner,Ultra Inert,Straight 0.75mm ID 5pk
5190-4061High Power Elec Crimp Tool w/Pow Supply
5190-406211mm Crimr Jaw Set for HP Elec Crimr
5190-406311mm Decapr Jaw Set
5190-406420mm Crimr Jaw Set
5190-406520mm Decapr Jaw Set
5190-4066Base for Electronic Crimping Tool
5190-406720mm HP Crimp Tool and Jaw Sets Bundle
5190-4073250ul insert, polypropylene w/grad 100pk
5190-4074Blue crmp cap,PTFE/si/PTFE, 11mm, 1000PK
5190-4075Red crmp cap, PTFE/si/PTFE, 11mm, 1000PK
5190-5233Column Nut, Self Tightening MSD
5190-6096Green crmp cap,PTFE/si/PTFE,11mm, 1000PK
5190-6113Amber crimp top Vial write-on 10,000pk
5190-6114Amber 2mL Screw Top Vial 10,000pk
5190-6115Amber 2mL Screw Vial w/wrt-on 10,000pk
5190-61162ml clear wide crimp vial, 10,000pk
5190-61172ml wide crimp vial write-on 10,000pk
5190-6118Screw cap vials, clear  10,000pk
5190-61192ml Screw cap vial clear wrton 10,000pk
5190-6120Amber crimp top Vial write-on 50,000pk
5190-6121Amber 2mL Screw Top Vial 50,000pk
5190-6122Amber 2mL Screw Vial w/wrt-on 50,000pk
5190-61232ml clear wide crimp vial, 50,000pk
5190-61242ml wide crimp vial write-on 50,000pk
5190-6125Screw cap vials, clear  50,000pk
5190-61262ml Screw cap vial clear wrton 50,000pk
5190-6128SN-2mL Clr crimp/snap vial wrt on 1000pk
5190-6129SN-2mL clear wide crimp vial, 1000PK
5190-6131SN-2mL Clear wide screw top vial 1000pk
5190-6132SN-2mL Ambr wide screw vial wrton 1000pk
5190-6133SN-2mL Clear wide scrw vial wrton 1000pk
5190-6134SN-2mL Amber snap write-on 1000pk
5190-614710ml Headspace vial 100pk
5190-6151SN 2mL crimp cap rubber septa 100pk
5190-6168Liner,Ultra Inert,straight 2mm ID
5190-6169Crimp caps thin membrane septa 25/PK
5190-6172Red Screw Caps for 40mL Vials 100/pk
5190-6182MS Analyzed Kit Amb WrtOn Crmp 1,000pk
5190-6184MS Analyzed Kit Clr Scrw WriteOn 1,000pk
5190-6186MS Analyzed Kit Amb Scrw WriteOn 1,000pk
5190-61891/4 inch Ball Valve
5190-6194Column nut,Self Tightening Inlet/Detect
5190-68952D LC starter sample 1 x 2mL
5190-6896LC/MS Methanol 1 liter
5190-6897LC/MS Water 4 liter
5190-6898OFN 2fg/uL in isooctane 3 x 1mL
5190-6901Agilent (Glu1)-Fibrinoptide B Standard
5190-6902Agilent Trypsinogen Standard
5190-6949Inert Valco Nut 1/16inch, 10/pk
5190-6950Inert Valco Ferrule 1/16inch, 10/pk
5190-6951Inert 1/16 inch tube 0.031 ID x 560 mm
5190-6952Inert Union SS 1/16 inch
5190-6953Inert Tee, 1/16 inch SS Tube OD
5190-6979Ultra Inert Universal Press Fit, 10/pk
5190-6980UltraInert Universal PressFit Y-Splitter
5190-69814-port rplcmt rotor WE series,400psi,225
5190-698214-port rplcmnt rotor UWE series,400psi
5190-69831/16in x 1.0mm UltiMetal Plus tubing,10m
5190-69841/8in x 2.1mm UltiMetal Plus tubing,10 m
5190-69861/16in UltiMetal Plus Ferrule Set, 10/PK
5190-69871/8in UltiMetal Plus Ferrule Set, 20/PK
5190-69881/4in UltiMetal Plus Nuts ,Ferrule Set
5190-69891/16in UltiMetal Plus Tee
5190-69901/8in UltiMetal Plus Tee
5190-69921/16in UltiMetal Plus Union
5190-69931/8in UltiMetal Plus Union
5190-6995IgG N-linked glycan library, 20ug 0.5ml
5190-69962AB labeld IgG N-linkd glycn lib 200pmol
5190-6997Dextran Ladder standard, 10 ug, 0.5ml
5190-69982AB labelled dextran ladder std 200pmol
5190-7001Calibration blank solution 5pct HNO3
5190-7002NCD checkout standard 1 x 1.5mL
5190-7003SCD Checkout in Isooctane 1 X 2ml
5190-7011Liner,UI, Direct Connect,dual tar,5pk
5190-7012Liner,UI,Direct Conn,top hole w wool,5pk
5190-7013Liner,UI,Direct Conn,no hole,no wool,5pk
5190-7014Liner,UI,Direct Connect,no hole,wool,5pk
5190-7020Liner,UI,Direct Connect,bottom hole,5pk
5190-7021BND Blue Scr Cap PTFE/Wht Si septa 100pk
5190-7023BND Blu Scr Cap Pslit PTFEWht Si spta100
5190-7024BND Blue Scr Cap PTFE/red Si septa 100pk
5190-7025BND Grn Scr Cap PTFE/red Si septa 100pk
5190-7026BND Grn Scr Cap PTFE/Wht Si septa 100pk
5190-7028BND Grn Scr Cap Slit PTFE/Si septa 100pk
5190-7029BND Red Scr Cap PTFE/Red Si septa 100pk
5190-7030BND Red Scr Cap PTFE/Wht Si septa 100pk
5190-7032BND Red Scr Cap PreSlit PTFE/Si septa100
5190-7045Liner,UltraInert,Straight 0.75mm ID 25pk
5190-8206Sodium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8207Strontium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8208Strontium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8209Sulfur, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8210Sulfur, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8211Tantalum, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8212Tantalum, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8215Terbium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8216Terbium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8217Thallium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8218Thallium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8219Thulium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8220Thulium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8221Tin, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8222Tin, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8223Agilent Delay And Checkout Calibrant
5190-8224Titanium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8225Titanium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8226Tungsten, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8227Tungsten, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8228Vanadium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8229Vanadium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8230Ytterbium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8231Ytterbium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8232Yttrium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8233Yttrium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8234Zinc, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8235Zinc, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8236Zirconium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8237Erbium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8238Erbium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8239Europium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8240Europium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8241Gadolinium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8242Aluminum 1000ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8243Aluminum, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8244Antimony, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8245Antimony, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8246Arsenic, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8247Arsenic, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8248Barium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8249Barium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8250Beryllium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8251Beryllium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8252Bismuth, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8253Bismuth, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8254Boron, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8255Boron, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8256Aluminum, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8257Aluminum, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8260Arsenic, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8261Arsenic, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8262Barium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8263Barium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8264Beryllium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8265Beryllium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8266Bismuth, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8267Bismuth, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8268Boron, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8269Boron, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8270Cadmium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8271Cadmium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8272Calcium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8273Calcium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8274Cesium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8275Chromium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8276Chromium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8277Cobalt, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8278Cobalt, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8279Copr, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8280Copr, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8282Gold, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8283Gold, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8284Indium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8285Iron, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8286Iron, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8287Lead, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8288Lead, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8289Lithium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8290Lithium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8291Magnesium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8292Magnesium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8293Manganese, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8294Manganese, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8295Mercury, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8296Mercury, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8297Molybdenum, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8298Nickel, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8299Nickel, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8300Palladium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8301Palladium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8302Platinum, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8303Platinum, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8304Potassium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8305Potassium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8306Selenium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8307Selenium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8308Silicon, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8309Silver, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8310Silver, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8311Sodium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8312Sodium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8313Strontium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8314Strontium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8315Tellurium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8316Thallium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8317Thallium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8318Tin, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8319Tin, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8320Titanium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8321Titanium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8323Vanadium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8324Vanadium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8325Zinc, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8326Zinc, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8327Zirconium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8328Cadmium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8329Calcium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8330Calcium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8331Cerium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8332Cerium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8333Cesium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8334Cesium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8335AA Matrix Modifier, 0.1%Pd Nitrate 100ml
5190-8336AA Matrix Modifier, 1% Pd Nitrate 100 ml
5190-8337AA Matrix Modifier, 10% NH4H2PO4 100ml
5190-8338AA Matrix Modifier, 1% Mg(NO3)2, 100ml
5190-8339AA Matrix Modif, 1%Nickel Nitrate, 100ml
5190-8340AA Matrix Modifier 1, Pd/Mg(NO3)2, 250ml
5190-8341AA Matrix Modifier 2, Pd/Mg(NO3)2, 250ml
5190-8342AA Matrix Modifier, Amm Phos/Mg, 250ml
5190-8343Ionization Buffer, 1% Cs in HNO3, 500ml
5190-8344Chromium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8345Chromium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8346Cobalt, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8347Cobalt, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8348Copr, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8349Copr, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8350Dysprosium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8351Dysprosium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8352Aluminum 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8353Aluminum 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8354Antimony 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8355Antimony 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8356Arsenic, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8357Arsenic, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8358Barium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8359Barium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8360Beryllium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8361Beryllium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8362Bismuth, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8363Bismuth, 10,000 ug/ml,500ml
5190-8364Boron, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8365Boron, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8366Cadmium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8367Cadmium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8368Calcium, 10,000 ug/ml,100ml
5190-8369Calcium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8370Cerium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8371Cerium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8372Cesium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8373Cesium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8374Chromium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8375Chromium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8376Cobalt, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8377Cobalt, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8378Copr, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8379Copr, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8380Dysprosium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8381Dysprosium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8382Erbium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8383Erbium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8384Europium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8385Europium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8386Gadolinium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8387Gadolinium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8388Gallium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8389Gallium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8390Germanium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8391Germanium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8392Gold, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8393Gold, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8394Hafnium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8395Hafnium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8396Holmium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8397Holmium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8398Indium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8399Indium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8400Iridium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8402Iron, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8403Iron, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8404Lanthanum, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8405Lanthanum, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8406Lead, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8407Lead, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8408Lithium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8409Lithium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8410Lutetium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8411Lutetium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8412Magnesium, 10,000 ug/mL, 100mL
5190-8413Magnesium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8414Manganese, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8415Manganese, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8416Mercury, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8417Mercury, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8418Molybdenum, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8419Molybdenum, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8420Neodymium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8421Neodymium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8422Nickel, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8423Nickel, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8424Niobium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8425Niobium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8426Palladium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8427Palladium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8428Phosphorus, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8429Phosphorus, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8430Platinum, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8431Platinum, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8432Potassium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8433Potassium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8434Praseodymium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8435Praseodymium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8436Rhenium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8437Rhenium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8438Rhodium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8439Rhodium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8440Rubidium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8441Rubidium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8442Ruthenium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8443Ruthenium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8444Samarium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8445Samarium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8446Scandium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8447Scandium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8448Selenium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8449Selenium, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8450Silicon, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8451Silicon, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8452Silver, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8453Silver, 10,000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8454Sodium, 10,000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8456Gadolinium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8457Gallium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8458Gallium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8459Germanium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8460Germanium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8461Gold, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8462Gold, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8463Hafnium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8464Hafnium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8465Holmium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8466Holmium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml
5190-8467Indium, 1000 ug/ml, 100ml
5190-8468Indium, 1000 ug/ml, 500ml












