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Remote Spectrum Monitor

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更新時(shí)間:2023-12-27 17:05:07瀏覽次數(shù):468

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Remote Spectrum Monitor for wide area spectrum surveillance up to 54 GHz with IQ streaming up to 110 MHz bandwidth and supporting PC control software

Frequency range: 9/14/20/26.5/32/43.5/54 GHz

The MS27201A Spectrum Monitors are compact rack mount spectrum analyzers designed for applications that require long term monitoring of the RF spectrum over a large geographic area.

The MS27201A spectrum monitor from Anritsu is designed to facilitate wide area spectrum monitoring up to 54 GHz. Building on over 40 years’ experience in developing high performance field portable spectrum analyzers, the MS27201A series is our highest frequency spectrum monitor covering all standard LMR, cellular, satellite and defense electronic bands.

PC based IQ analysis software for use with IQ data captured from a Remote Spectrum Analyzer

IQ Signal Master MX280005A Vector Signal Analysis Software provides a comprehensive suite of measurements that deliver post processing and analysis of IQ data files captured on the Remote Spectrum Analyzers. The software is designed to bring together all the essential tools required to capture IQ data files and then gain critical insights into the nature of the captured signals. Modes within the application, support the ability to capture or stream IQ data into the PC memory, perform modulation quality measurements and playback IQ data with high frequency and time resolution.

A file conversion mode allows IQ data captured on the supported analyzers to be converted to the format required for playback using a Vector Signal Generator MG3710E further enhancing the overall capability.

The software is designed for national RF spectrum regulators, security agencies and defense electronics companies who need to gain critical insight into RF signals that have been captured in the field. It is also suitable for organizations that need to monitor and protect RF spectrum from unlicensed operators or unintended sources of interference

IQ Signal Master MX280005A Vector Signal Analysis Software

IQ Data can be captured or streamed to a PC via USB, Ethernet, or PCIe interface using the MA25101A IQ Streaming PCIe kit.

MA25424A IQ Data Converter is required in order to stream data from the Field Master Pro MS2090A spectrum analyzer to the Bird IQC5000B RF record and playback system.

MA25424A IQ Converter Box


Spectrum clearing - Frequency spectrum is typically allocated and d by a national regulator. Licenses for specific blocks of spectrum are time limited and can change their use as new technologies and applications evolve. When a new license is issued, the new spectrum owner needs to survey the spectrum to confirm legacy users have ceased transmitting.

Shared spectrum monitoring - It is becoming increasingly common for more than one technology to be allocated access to the same block of spectrum. In order for operators to understand how this will affect their long term ability to provide a service, they need to continuously monitor activity in the spectrum to build up a understanding of likely availability over days and months.

Satellite ground station monitoring - Satellite downlink signals typically arrive at the surface of the earth with very low signal level, and the latest generation of satellites are starting to use millimeter wave frequencies for these downlinks, including 8 to 9 GHz X band for space research, 12 GHz Ku band for domestic TV broadcast and 23 to 27 GHz for fixed link broadcasts. The sensitivity of satellite downlink receivers make then very susceptible to interfering signals. Continuous monitoring of the in band and adjacent frequencies is essential to maintain robust communications and understand if and when additional filtering may be required.

Critical site security - Many government defense and commercial sites have experienced aggressive and intentional interference from hostile agents. On site communications are critical for the smooth running of large sites with many interdependent automated systems. Monitoring and early detection of hostile transmissions is essential to effective site operation. Examples of venerable sites include prison services, transport hubs and government offices.

Interference monitoring - Major sporting events, festivals and conferences bring together multiple agencies to a single location for maybe only a few days or weeks. Each contributing agency often has unique communications and telematics requirements that require temporary licensing. Typical examples include international motor racing events, football tournaments and global music festivals. To ensure all the stakeholders’ systems are transmitting on their approved frequencies and not interfering requires stick monitoring of the spectrum.

Regulatory enforcement - National regulators need to spectrum activity in large urban areas. Large cities will have multiple licensed transmitters and unless the spectrum is d, there will be interference and degraded p[performance across all systems.


Key RF specifications

Parameter Specification
Frequency range 9 kHz to 9/14/20/26.5/32/43.5/54 GHz
Analysis bandwidth 110 MHz
Third order intercept point +20 dBm
DANL (with pre amp) –164 dBm
Amplitude range DANL to +30 dBm
Phase noise @ 1 GHz -110 dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz offset (typical)
RBW/VBW 1 Hz to 10 MHz
Amplitude accuracy < 14 GHz ±1.3 dB (±0.5 dB typ)

Key Features

Feature Specification
Control interfaces Ethernet
PC control Remote GUI PC application
Automated Monitoring software MX280001A Vision monitor PC application
IQ Capture and streaming IQ data through Ethernet, USB and PCI interfaces
Cellular modulation quality measurements LTE and 5GNR
Continuous operation and recovery Built in watchdog timer and auto recover on power failure provide continuity of service
Traces 6 with independent detectors per trace
Markers and Limits Intelligent markers and comprehensive limits
Event capture Save traces and alarms on defined events
Option Description
MS27201A-0709 Frequency Range 9 kHz to 9 GHz
Frequency Range 9 kHz to 14 GHz
MS27201A-0720 Frequency Range 9 kHz to 20 GHz
Frequency Range 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz
Frequency Range 9 kHz to 32 GHz
MS27201A-0743 Frequency Range 9 kHz to 43.5 GHz
Frequency Range 9 kHz to 54 GHz
MS27201A-0031 GPS Receiver (requires GPS antenna, sold separately)
MS27201A-0883 LTE FDD/TDD Measurements (requires GPS option MS27201A-0031)
MS27201A-0888 5GNR FDD/TDD Measurements (requires GPS option MS27201A-0031)
MS27201A-0089 Zero Span IF Output
MS27201A-0090 Gated Sweep
MS27201A-0104 110 MHz Analysis Bandwidth
MS27201A-0124 IQ Waveform Capture
MS27201A-0125 IQ Waveform Streaming (requires Option 124, MA25424A recommended)
MS27201A-0126 IQ Waveform Capture (non-export controlled)
MS27201A-0127 IQ Waveform Streaming (non-export controlled, requires Option 126, MA25424A recommended)
MS27201A-0128 Vector Signal Analysis enabled (requires option 124 or 126)
Real-Time Spectrum Analysis (RTSA)
MS27201A-0400 Vision Monitor Enabled
Vision Locate (requires option MS27201A-0400)
MS27201A-0407 Vision High-Speed Port Scanner Enabled
Pulse Analyzer
AM/FM Modulation Measurements
Accredited Calibration to ISO17025 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 (xxxx is the frequency option number)
MS27201A-xxxx-0098 Standard Calibration to ISO17025 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 (xxxx is the frequency option number)
MS27201A-xxxx-0099 Premium Calibration to ISO17025 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 plus test data (xxxx is the frequency option number)

Supported Software

MX280005A Vector Signal Analysis PC software
MX280001A Remote Spectrum Monitor Vision Software
MS27201A PC Remote User Interface














