The PAK-210 ESD Auditor’s Kit expands your measurement and audit capabilities. The Basic System Kit includes all of the equipment in the PFK-101 and PMK-151 Kits and adds the necessary equipment for testing wrist strap and footwear checkers, advanced ground and electrical circuit assessment and detailed wrist strap audits.
The PAK-210 includes Prostat’s PRS-801 Resistance System Set with modified 5 pound conductive rubber electrodes, the PRS-801 wide range resistance system, and Prostat PRS-801 Connectivity software for computer data downloading. You can take measurements at 10 and 100 volts with accuracy within ±5%.
The PGT-61-164 SureTest® Universal Circuit Analyzer now tests circuits internationally. This patented unit incorporates all the branch circuit testing capabilities you need to effectively test and troubleshoot a branch circuit from 85-250 volts, and 45-65 Hz.
The PHT-771 Digital Psychrometer is provided for temperature and humidity measurement. The kit also includes modified wrist straps for instrument and personnel grounding, a common point ground adapter plug, clamps, clips and an operator’s manual. It’s all contained in a molded carrying case with retractable handle and wheels.
What’s Included
PFM-711A Field Meter with Analog Output Cable
CPM-720A Charge Plate Assembly
PCS-730 ± 1KV Charging Source
PWS-610M Wrist Straps (2)
PHT-771 Digital Psychrometer
PDT-740B Static Decay Timer
PGT-61-164 SureTest® Circuit Analyzer
GAP-005 Ground Adapter Plug
PRS-801 Instrument Set
PRS-801-W 5 lbs Conductive Rubber Electrodes (2)
PRS-800CS Cable Spacers Set - 36" & 10"
Large Pony Clamp 6"
PRS-801-WW Electrode Cleaning Wipes (5)
Operator’s Manual
PAB-023 Accessories Box
PK-2/300 Carrying Case with Handle and Wheels
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