Type of indicator:Electronic/analogue
(4-20 mA or 1-10 V)
1 electrical switching contact at 75% and
at 100% of the pressure setting
Analogue signal up to 20% of the
pressure setting constant 4mA or 1 V
Pressure setting or
indication range:
2 bar -10%
5 bar -10%
8 bar -10%
Permitt. operating pressure:420 bar
Permitt. temperature range:-30 °C to +80 °C
Thread:G 1/2
Max. torque:100 Nm
Switching type:N/C or N/O, electronic
PNP positive switching (factory setting)
Max. switching voltage:Operating voltage
20 to 30 V DC
Electrical connection:7 pole plug to DIN 43651; PG 11
Max. switching voltage
at resistive load:12 W
switching capacity:ohmic 0.4 A at 30 V =
Protection class to
DIN 40050:IP 65 (only if the connector is wired and fitted
Order example:VD2GC.0/-SQ-123
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