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來源:北京力高泰科技有限公司   2017年11月13日 16:43  




圖1 若物體距離三維超聲風(fēng)速儀太近,如氣體分析儀,就會導(dǎo)致其風(fēng)速測量不可靠。



圖2 LI-COR分體式渦度協(xié)方差測量系統(tǒng)設(shè)計思路

[1] Wyngaard, J. C., 1981. The effects ofprobe-induced flow distortion on atmospheric turbulence measurements. Journalof Applied Meteorology, 20: 784-794.
[2] Wyngaard, J. C., 1988. Flow-distortioneffects on scalar flux measurements in the surface layer: Implications forsensor design. In Hicks, B. B. (Eds) Topics in Micrometeorology. A Festschriftfor Arch Dyer. Springer, Dordrecht.
[3] Frank, J. M., W. J. Massman, and B. E.Ewers, 2013. Underestimates of sensible heat flux due to vertical velocitymeasurement errors in non-orthogonal sonic anemometers. Agricultural and ForestMeteorology, 171-172: 72-81.
[4] Horst, T. W., S. R. Semmer, and G.Maclean, 2015. Correction of a non-orthogonal, three-component sonic anemometerfor flow distortion by transducer shadowing. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 155(3): 371-395.
[5] Frank, J. M., W. J. Massman, E.Swiatek, H. A. Zimmerman, and B. E. Ewers, 2016. All sonic anemometers need tocorrect for transducer and structural shadowing in their velocity measurements.Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33(1): 149-167.
[6] Huq, S., F. De Roo, T. Foken, M.Mauder, 2017. Evaluation of probe-induced flow distortion of Campbell CSAT3sonic anemometers by numerical simulation. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 165(1):9-28.
[7] Horst, T. W., R. Vogt, and S. P.Oncley, 2016. Measurements of flow distortion within the IRGASON integratedsonic anemometer and CO2/H2O gas analyzer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 160(1):1-15.
[8] Dyer, A. J., 1981. Flow distortion bysupporting structures. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 20(2): 243-251.
[9] Grare, L., L. Lenain, and W. K.Melville, 2016. The influence of wind direction on Campbell Scientific CSAT3and Gill R3-50 sonic anemometer measurements. Journal of Atmospheric andOceanic Technology, 33(11): 2477-2497.
[10] Moore, C. J., 1986. Frequency responsecorrections for eddy covariance systems. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 37: 17-35.
[11] Horst, T. W., and D. H. Lenschow,2009. Attenuation of scalar fluxes measured with spatially-displaced sensors.Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 130(2): 275-300.
[12] Mauder, M., and T. Foken, 2011.Documentation and Instruction Manual of the Eddy-Covariance Software PackageTK3.


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