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來源:上海湘潤實業(yè)有限公司   2019年04月19日 15:39  

fault message(故障信息) possible causes(可能的原因) remedy(補救辦法)

flow too low during measuring (在測量流量太低)

1:sample gas blocked or leaky(樣品氣堵塞或泄漏)

A:clean or replace the blocked parts(hose filter etc) if the problem is still present(清潔或更換堵塞的配件(軟管過濾器等)如果問題仍然存在)

2:pump not running(泵沒有運行)

A:switch the pump on(開關泵)

B:pump capacity too low(泵的容量太低)

C:increase the pump capacity as described in section(提高泵的容量中所描述的部分)

D:pump faulty(泵故障)

no data for temperature compensation(沒有數(shù)據(jù)進行溫度補償)

1:temperature compensation not completed successfully(溫度補償沒有成功完成)

2:new components have been loaded(新的組件被加載)

3:EEPROM has been initialized(EE PROM已初始化)flow too low during autocal(在autocal流量太低)

A:cal gas path blocked or leaky(校準氣路堵塞或泄漏)

B: clean or replace the blocked parts (hose filter etc) if the problem is still present(清潔或更換堵塞的配件(軟管過濾器等)如果問題仍然存在)

conc of O2 too low during autocal (濃度的氧氣在autocal太低)

1:O2 sensor faulty or old(氧傳感器的故障或老化)

A:replace the O2 sensor as described in section(更換氧傳感器中描述的部分)meas value display( 測量值顯示)

2:O2 sensor zero not calibrated(氧傳感器的零點未校準)

calibrate the zero of the o2 sensor as described in section(校準零的氧氣傳感器中描述的部分)fault at analog output(故障模擬輸出)

A:component could not be initialized when switching on(組件無法初始化時開關)

B:limits were violated when calibrating the analog section(限制受到侵犯時,校準模擬部分)general fault of all ir channels mv-c1/2/3 1:chopper faulty(斬波器故障)beyond tolerance(般故障的紅外通道m(xù)v-c1 / 2 / 3超出公差)

IR source faulty(紅外源錯誤)fault of addresses for ir channels(故障紅外通道地址)

1:plug-in jumper on detector for detection of components not ok(插件在探測器檢測元件不好)

2:the cable of the detector has no contact(電纜探測器沒有接觸)

A:check that the plug is correctly connected to the detector (the plug must latch in twice)(檢查插頭是否正確連接到探測器(插頭鎖在兩次))

B:cable of detector faulty(電纜故障探測器)meas value channel 1 beyond tolerance(測量值超出公差1頻道)

analyzer section of first component is faulty(分析儀部分組件是錯誤的)meas value display:*****(測量值顯示:*****)

meas value o2 beyond tolerance(測量氧氣超出公差值)

1:replace the O2 sensor as described in section(更換氧傳感器中描述的部分)meas value display:****(測量值顯示:* * * *)

2:motherboard faulty(主板故障)mains voltage beyond tolerance(電源電壓超出公差)

1:mains voltage varies(電源電壓變化)

A:correct such that the mains voltage is within the tolerance values permissible for the analyzer(正確的電源電壓范圍內允許的公差值分析儀)

power spply unit faulty(供電單元故障)temp of analyzer beyond tolerance(溫度超出公差分析)

1:ambient temperature too high or too low(環(huán)境溫度過高或過低)

A:provide sufficient ventilation or air conditioning(提供充分的通風或空調)

2:temperature sensor of a detector faulty(溫度傳感器探測器故障)pressure of amb air beyond tolerance(壓力的空氣超出公差)

A:pressure sensor faulty(壓力傳感器故障)autocal drift beyond tolerance(autocal漂移超出公差)


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