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試驗粉塵,日本JIS Z8901關(guān)東土全國

來源:試驗粉塵,日本JIS Z8901關(guān)東土全國   2019年07月31日 15:53  

試驗粉塵,日本JIS Z8901關(guān)東土全國

試驗粉塵,日本JIS Z8901關(guān)東土全國

試驗粉塵,日本JIS Z8901關(guān)東沙,日本JIS Z8901關(guān)東土全國

試驗粉塵,日本JIS Z8901關(guān)東沙,日本JIS Z8901關(guān)東土全國

美國亞利桑那試驗粉塵#IEC 60312試驗粉塵#ISO 12103試驗粉塵 4006306773;;60496773;,王,韓國ITC沙塵試驗箱ISO 12103-1 A1 Ultrafine Test Dust;ISO 12103-1 A2 Fine Test Dust;ISO 12103-1 A3 Medium Test Dust ISO 12103-1;A4 Coarse Test Dust

5.8.1 Dust Tests.粉塵測試


Purpose: To determine if the enclosure provides sufficient protection from dust intrusion from

windblown sand and road dust to allow the DUTto continue to meet the performance requirements

specified in the CTS. The accumulation of dust on heat sink devices will adversely affect heat dissipation. Dust may also combine with humidity and salt to produce unintentional conductive paths. Dust accumulation will adversely affect electro-mechanical devices resulting in increased friction or completeblockage of motion.



Procedure (Operating Type 1.2): Test according to ISO 20653 Protection against objects, water

and access. This test shall be conducted using ISO 12103-1, A2 Fine Grade Dust and should occur

for a period of 8 hours.



Criteria: Functional Status shall be class A.



The DUT shall experience no damage, loss of function, or degradation of performance. The DUT shall pass the Functional/Parametric Test at the end of testprior to cleaning.




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