NPO EUROPE:Radiation shielding and contamination control products: engineering and radiation protection expertise to minimize radiation exposure in commercial nuclear power, nuclear medicine and industrial radiography.(NPO EUROPE:輻射屏蔽和污染控制產品:工程和輻射防護專業(yè)知識,以盡量減少商業(yè)核電,核醫(yī)學和工業(yè)放射照相中的輻射暴露。)
NPO has supplied products and services since 1976 that address ALARA needs worldwide in the areas of radiation shielding and contamination control.(NPO EUROPE自1976年以來一直提供產品和服務,以滿足ALARA在輻射屏蔽和污染控制領域的需求。)
T-Flex® - Flexible Shielding(T-Flex®-柔性屏蔽) PMUC No.05-0118
NPO T-FLEX® is the more dense, flexible & versatile product of the market(NPO T-FLEX®是市場上更密集、更靈活、更多功能的產品)
Composed of >90% tungsten on mass, our NPO T-FLEX® is the most efficient of the market(我們的NPO T-FLEX®由>90%的鎢組成,是市場上很高效的產品)
T-FLEX® is the ALTERNATIVE to lead product without the associated hazard(T-FLEX®是鉛產品的替代品,沒有相關的危害)
T-FLEX® reduces the cost of waste disposal(T-FLEX®降低了廢物處理的成本)
T-FLEX® is validated to be used inside Nuclear Plant(T-FLEX®經驗證可用于核電廠內部)
T-Flex® Ribbon(T-FLEX®絲帶)
T FLEX® Ribbon is THE most versatile product. Its high flexibility enables to be spiraled wrapped around components for quick “hot spot” solution. It can be cutted using typical cutting.(T FLEX®功能區(qū)是極通用的產品。其高度的靈活性使其能夠螺旋纏繞在組件上,以實現(xiàn)快速“熱點”解決方案??梢允褂玫湫颓懈钸M行切割。)
Attenuations: (衰減)
-> 1 layer : 18% of Co-60
-> 2 layers : 35 % of Co-60
*Less doses ;*More productivity!(*更少的劑量;*更高的效率!)
T-Flex® Tube shielding (T FLEX®管屏蔽)
T-FLEX® tube shielding is the ideal solution for pipe shielding. Its conception enables a simple and quick installation. Engineered to limit weight limitation while maximizing attenuation. (T-FLEX®管道屏蔽是管道屏蔽的理想解決方案。它的概念使安裝簡單而快速。設計以限制重量限制,同時很大限度地衰減。)
The dose will be significantly reduced compare to a lead blanked! (劑量將大大減少相比鉛空白!)
T-FLEX® tube shielding VS lead blanket: (T-FLEX®管屏蔽VS鉛毯:)
重量Weight: 4.5 kg VS 23 kg
衰減Attenuation : -42% VS -35% attenuation of Co-60!
T-Flex® blankets(T-FLEX®毯子)
T-FLEX® blanket is an ALTERNATIVE to lead blanket. Its have a similar attenuation but without its hazard.(T-FLEX®毛毯是鉛毛毯的替代品。它有類似的衰減,但沒有它的危害。)
It is a LEAD FREE product!(這是一個無鉛的產品!)
T-FLEX® blankets are highly flexible and resistant which enables to wrap them easilly around a pipe.(T-FLEX®毛毯具有高度的柔韌性和耐受性,使其能夠輕松地纏繞在管道上。)
T-Flex® Tiles(T-FLEX®瓷磚)
T-FLEX® Tiles are designed to provide economical and ergonomic solutions for shielding sources below. Each tile combines the attenuation properties of T-Flex® with the durability of a work mat. They also can be cut for in field adjustments. The floor shielding features a non-slip diamond tread surface.(T-FLEX®瓷磚旨在為以下屏蔽源提供經濟和符合人體工程學的解決方案。每個瓷磚結合了T-Flex®的衰減特性和工作墊的耐用性。它們也可以在現(xiàn)場調整時切割。地板屏蔽具有防滑的鉆石胎面。)
Pipe and Valve Shielding(管道和閥門屏蔽)
One of the best applications of T-FLEX® is pipe and valve shielding. This product conforms snugly around a pipe or a valve. Bringing the shielding as close as possible to the source minimizes the weight of shielding necessary and keeps the immediate area free of obstructions.(T-FLEX®的很好應用之一是管道和閥門屏蔽。本產品緊貼管道或閥門。使屏蔽盡可能靠近源,以減少必要的屏蔽重量,并保持直接區(qū)域沒有障礙物。)
T-FLEX® - ELBOW SHIELDING (T-flex®-肘部屏蔽)
Elbow shielding is an excellent application to prove the efficiency of our NPO’s T-FLEX® shielding.(肘部屏蔽是一個很好的應用,證明了我們NPO的T-FLEX®屏蔽的效率。)
We have sized our shielding to reduce to 60% the doses and we had 85% doses reduction on site! (我們已經調整了防護裝置的尺寸以減少60%的劑量我們已經在現(xiàn)場減少了85%的劑量!)
It enables to reduce the doses for operators working safely on or close to a hot spot.(它可以減少操作員在熱點上或附近安全工作的劑量。)
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