供應,銷售, 維修,回收N4373B 67 GHz Lightwave Component Analyzer
供應,銷售, 維修,回收N4373B 67 GHz Lightwave Component Analyzer
主要特性與技術指標 Absolute frequency response accuracy
•< 0.9 dBe @ 50 GHz (typ)
•< 1.3 dBe @ 67 GHz (typ)
Relative frequency response accuracy
•< 0.5 dBe @ 50 GHz (typ)
•< 1.3 dBe @ 67 GHz (typ)
Noise floor
•< - 59 dB (W/A) @ 67 GHz for E/O measurements
•< - 55 dB (A/W) @ 67 GHz for O/E measurements
With 67 GHz frequency range and excellent accuracy, the N4373B is the ideal measurement solution for electro-optical components in 40 Gb/s transmission systems, as well as Radio over Fiber (RoF) and aerospace and defense (A&D) applications.
With a turn-key solution, the N4373B supports fastest time to market, and lets you focus developing your components.
Fast and easy measurement setup increases productivity as time-consuming electrical calibration steps are automated and optical calibration by the operator is no longer necessary.
Additional Benefits:
•Built-in average power meter for fast transmitter power test
•PMF optical output for reliable modulator test
•User selectable optical transmitter output power helps to adapt to target test conditions
•More then 10 times faster than 86030A speeds up productivity
本公司*銷售!現(xiàn)金回收:租賃:網絡分析儀、工廠報廢儀器回收、無線綜合測試儀、頻譜分析儀、 視頻圖象信號源、LCR測試儀、高/低頻信號源、示波器、萬用表、電子負載、頻率計、二手進口高擋儀器,等等二手儀器出售/維修/收購。有貨請與我取得!迎!
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