維修r(nóng)/s FSP30頻譜分析儀
品牌:德國羅德與施瓦茨 | ROHDE/SCHWARZ
FSP3:9KHz - 3GHz
FSP7:9KHz - 7GHz
FSP13:9KHz - 13.6GHz
FSP30:9KHz - 30GHz
FSP40:9KHz - 40GHz
—分辨率帶寬1Hz - 10MHz
The Measuring Receiver R&S FSMR is a0ne-box solution for calibrating RF-level and analog modulation parameters of signal generators as well as attenuation.
Functionsc o mbined in0ne instrument:
*High precision level calibrator
*Modulation Analyzer for AM/FM/PM
*Audio Analyzer with THD and SINAD
*Support for NRP power sensors for absolute powermeasurements
High-performance spectrum analyzerFunctions andproperties tailored to the needs of calibration labs:
*Very high level stability overtime
*Easy-to-use, with c o mplete operation controlfrom the FSMR front panel
*Traceable calibration
*Documented calibration procedure
*Specifications equal to or exceeding the HP 8902with option 050
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