產品名稱 | 產地 | 貨號 | 規(guī)格 |
ESGRO® (LIF) | Millipore | ESG1106 | 1 million units/1 mL |
ESGRO® (LIF) | Millipore | ESG1107 | 10 million units/1 mL |
Rat ESGRO® | Millipore | ESG2206 | 1 million units/1 mL |
Rat ESGRO® | Millipore | ESG2207 | 10 million units/1 mL |
Leukemia Inhibitory Factor, recombinant human | Millipore | LIF1005 | 5UG |
Leukemia Inhibitory Factor, recombinant human | Millipore | LIF1010 | 10UG |
Leukemia Inhibitory Factor, recombinant mouse | Millipore | LIF2005 | 5UG |
Leukemia Inhibitory Factor, recombinant mouse | Millipore | LIF2010 | 10UG |
Leukemia Inhibitory Factor, recombinant rat | Millipore | LIF3005 | 5UG |
Leukemia Inhibitory Factor, recombinant rat | Millipore | LIF3010 | 10UG |
Specific Activity:
ESGRO® is assessed both on ES {embryonic stem} cells (D3 & MBL-1) and on murine M1 myeloid leukemic cells(4). A standard of 50 Units is defined as the concentration of ESGRO®, in 1.0mL of tissue culture medium, that induces the differentiation of 50% of M1 colonies(4). 10E7 units is equivalent to approximay 100 μg of pure protein, and is sufficient to treat 10L of ES cell culture media.
Embryonic Stem Cell Assay: Differentiation inhibition at 1000 units/mL Murine myeloid leukemic, M1 Assay: Specific Activity >/= 108 units/mg
Promotional Text:
High Quality. Validated. Reliable.
EmbryoMax ESGRO® (LIF)
Trade Name:
Chemicon (Millipore)
Qty/Pk:107 units
Key Applications:
Stem Cell Culture
Application Notes:
Applications for ESGRO® include use as a reagent for the in vitro maintenance of the pluripotential phenotype of murine ES cells.
ES Cells: In D3 and MBL-1 pluripotential ES cell cultures it is routinely found that 1000 U of ESGRO® per 1.0 mL of tissue culture media is required to maintain ES cells with a stem cell phenotype. Similar concentrations of mLIF have also been used for germline transmission of genetically altered ES cells(E3).
At the recommended concentration 107 units of ESGRO® is sufficient for 10.0 L of tissue culture media and 106 units of ESGRO® is sufficient for 1.0 L of tissue culture media.
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