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來源:上海韓施電氣自動化設備有限公司   2024年06月17日 11:14  


  • Translation: A protector is a device that is mainly used to protect electrical equipment from electrical faults such as overload, overcurrent, and short circuit.


  • Translation: It can intelligently activate internal protection mechanisms in the event of an instantaneous high voltage anomaly in electrical equipment, ensuring the safety of the downstream electrical appliances.


  • Translation: Protectors can be selected based on different needs, including household protectors and protectors for machinery and similar equipment.


  • Translation: Electronic instrument and motor protectors provide more specific protection, such as comprehensive protection and control for motors, and provide alarms or protective control in the event of motor overcurrent, undercurrent, phase loss, stalling, short circuit, and other conditions.


  • Translation: Electrical protectors, also known as overvoltage protectors, high-voltage protectors, and household electrical protectors, protect various electrical appliances from being damaged by high or low voltage. When issues such as power supply surges or unstable voltage occur, they immediately disconnect the power supply to prevent electrical equipment from being burned out and electrical fires from occurring.


  • Translation: A leakage protector, also known as a leakage switch, is used to promptly disconnect the power supply when a leakage fault occurs in the equipment, protecting the line or motor from overload and short circuit. It can also be used for infrequent switching and starting of the line under normal conditions.


  • Translation: A surge protector, also known as a lightning arrester, provides safety protection for various electronic devices, instruments, and communication lines, preventing surges from damaging other equipment in the circuit.


  • Translation: The types of protectors also include overload protectors and overcurrent protectors, which can prevent electrical equipment from being damaged due to overload or overcurrent caused by prolonged operation.


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