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來源:深圳市格紅科技有限公司   2010年04月21日 18:02  








·                     ISO 11507, Paints & varnishes-Exposure of coatings to artificial weathering-Exposure to fluorescent UV and water

·                     ISO 20340, Paints & varnishes –Performance requirements for protective paint systems for offshore and
     related structures

·                     ASTM D-3794, Standard Guide for Testing Coil Coatings

·                     ASTM D-4587, Standard Practice for Light/Water Exposure of Paint

·                     US Government, FED-STD-141B

·                     US Govt., Federal Specification TT-E-489H, Enamel, Alkyd, Gloss, Low VOC Content

·                     US Govt., Federal Specification TT-E-527D, Enamel, Alkyd, Lusterless, Low VOC Content

·                     US Govt., Federal Specification TT-E-529G, Enamel, Alkyd, Semigloss, Low VOC Content

·                     US Govt., Federal Specification TT-P-19D Paint, Latex, Acrylic Emulsion, Ext. Wood & Masonry

·                     NACE Standard TM-01-84 Procedures for Screening Atmospheric Surfaced coatings

·                     GM4367M Topcoat Materials - Exterior

·                     GM 9125P Laboratory Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Material

·                     Korean Standard M5982-1990, Test Method for Accelerated Weathering

·                     Spanish Std, UNE 104-281-88 Accelerated Testing of Paints and Adhesives with Fluorescent UV Lamps

·                     Israeli Standard No. 330, Steel Windows

·                     Israeli Standard No. 385, Plastic Windows

·                     Israeli Standard No. 935, Road Marking Paint

·                     Israeli Standard No. 1086, Aluminum Windows

·                     NISSAN M0007, Fluorescent UV/Condensation Test

·                     JIS K 5600-7-8, Testing Methods for Paints

·                     MS 133: Part F16, Methods of Test for Paints and Varnishes: Part F16: Exposure of Coatings to Artificial Weathering- Exposure to Fluorescent UV and Water (ISO 11507)

·                     NBR-15.380 Paints for buildings–Methods for performance evaluation of paints for non-industrial buildings – Resistance to UV irradiation/water vapor condensation, by accelerated test

·                     prEN 927-6 Paints & varnishes–Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood – Pt. 6: Exposure of wood coatings to artificial weathering using fluorescent UV and water

GB/T 12967.4,鋁及鋁合金陽極氧化 著色陽極 氧化膜耐紫外光性能的測定







·                     AATCC Test Method 186, Weather Resistance: UV Light and Moisture Exposure

ACFFA Test Method for Colorfastness of Vinyl Coated Polyester Fabrics


ASTM F1945, Lightfastness of Ink Jet Prints Exposed to Indoor Fluorescent Lighting


 GB/T 16585,硫化橡膠人工氣候老化(熒光紫外燈)試驗方法


 GB/T 19394,光伏(PV)組件紫外試驗



·               ASTM C 1501, Standard Test Method For Color Stability of Building Construction Sealants as Determined byLaboratory Accelerated Weathering Procedures

·                     ASTM C-1184, Specification for Structural Silicone Sealants

·                     ASTM C-1442, Standard Practice for Conducting Tests on Sealants Using Artificial Weathering Apparatus

·                     ASTM D-904, Standard Practice for Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to Artificial Light

·                     ASTM D-5215, Standard Test Method for Instrumental Evaluation of Staining of Vinyl Flooring by Adhesives

·                     American Plywood Assn., Approval Procedures for Synthetic Patching Materials, Section 6

Spanish Std, UNE 104-281-88 Accelerated Testing of Paints and Adhesives with Fluorescent UV Lamps



·                     ISO 4892 Plastics - Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources-Part 3: Fluorescent UV Lamps

·                     DIN 53 384, Testing of plastics, Artificial Weathering and Exposure to Artificial Light

·                     Spanish Standard UNE 53.104 (Stability of Plastics Materials Exposed to Simulated Sunlight)

·                     Israeli Standard No. 385, Plastic Windows

·                     JIS K 7350, Plastics - Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources-Part 3: Fluorescent UV Lamps

·                     ASTM D-1248, Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Extrusion Materials for Wire and Cable

·                     ASTM D-4329, Standard Practice for Light/Water Exposure of Plastics

·                     ASTM D-4674, Test Method for Accelerated Testing for Color Stability of Plastics Exposed to Indoor
     Fluorescent Lighting and Window-Filtered Daylight

·                     ASTM D-5208, Standard Practice for Exposure of Photodegradable Plastics

·                     ASTM D-6662,  Standard Specification for Plastic Lumber Decking Boards

·                     ANSI C57.12.28 Specification for Accelerated Weathering of Padmounted Equipment Enclosure Integrity

·                     ANSI, A14.5 Specification for Accelerated Weathering of Portable Reinforced Plastic Ladders

·                     Edison Electrical Inst. Specification for Accelerated Weathering of Padmounted Equip. Enclosure Integrity

·                     Wisconsin Electric Power Specification for Polyethylene Signs

·                     GB/T 18950,橡膠和塑料軟管 靜態(tài)下耐紫外線性能測定

GB/T 16422.3,塑料實驗室光源暴露試驗方法 3部分:熒光紫外燈



·                     ASTM D-4799, Test Method for Accelerated Weathering of Bituminous Roofing Materials

·                     ASTM D-4811, Standard Specification for Nonvulcanized Rubber Sheet Used as Roof Flashing

·                     ASTM D-3105, List of Test Methods for Elastomeric and Plastomeric Roofing & Waterproofing

·                     ASTM D-4434, Standard Specification for PVC Sheet Roofing

·                     ASTM D-5019, Standard Specification for Reinforced Non-Vulcanized Polymeric Sheet Used in Roofing Membrane

·                     ANSI/RMA IPR-1-1990 Req. for Non-Reinforced Black EPDM Sheet for Roofing Membrane

·                     ANSI/RMA IPR-2-1990 Req. for Fabric-Reinforced Black EPDM Sheet for Roofing Membrane

·                     ANSI/RMA IPR-5-1990 Req. for Non-Reinforced Non-Black EPDM Sheet for Roofing Membrane

·                     ANSI/RMA IPR-6-1990 Req. for Fabric-Reinforced Non-Black EPDM Sheet for Roofing Membrane

·                     British Standard BS 903: Part A54 Annex A & D, Methods of Testing Vulcanized Rubber

·                     CGSB-37.54-M, Canadian General Standards Board Spec. for PVC Roofing & Waterproofing Membrane

·                     DIN EN  534, Corrugated bitumen sheets

·                     EOTA TR 010, Exposure procedure for artificial weathering

RMA Specification for Reinforced Non-Vulcanized Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene Sheet for Roofing Membrane


Israeli Standard No. 385, Anodic Coatings on Aluminum


  • ISO 4892-1 Plastics- Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources-Part 1: General Guidance
  • ASTM G-151, Standard Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Accelerated Test Devices that Use Laboratory Light Sources
  • ASTM G-154, Standard Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for UV Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials
  • British Standard BS 2782: Part 5, Method 540B (Methods of Exposure to Lab Light Sources)
  • SAE J2020, Accelerated Exp. of Automotive Exterior Materials Using a Fluorescent UV/Condensation Apparatus
  • JIS D 0205, Test Method of Weatherability for Automotive Parts (Japan)
  • GB/T 16422.1,塑料實驗室光源暴露試驗方法 第1部分:總則



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