6. 黑白箱實驗(light dark box) The subject is placed in the dark portion of the box for a set period of acclimation time. At the end of this period, a door separating the two compartments is opened. The amount of time that the subject takes to emerge fully from the enclosed area into the open area is measured.
7. 社交行為實驗(social interaction) The subject is habituated to the test chamber and allowed to freely explore for a set time. A novel animal is placed in one of the two enclosures, and the percentage of time the mouse spends in the section with the novel animal is compared to the time spent in the section with the empty enclosure. In a later session, the time spent with the same animal might be compared to time spent with a newer, more novel animal.
8. 條件性位置偏愛(Conditioned Place Preference) 條件性位置偏愛實驗(Conditioned Place Preference, CPP)實驗是目前評價藥物精神依賴性的經(jīng)典實驗?zāi)P?,也是廣泛應(yīng)用于尋找抗覓藥行為的有效工具。該實驗將實驗動物(大鼠、小鼠)置于條件性位置偏愛箱的白色觀察區(qū),并給予精神依賴性藥物(例如*),然后觀察實驗動物在條件性位置偏愛箱的黑色區(qū)和白色區(qū)的活動情況,白色區(qū)、黑色區(qū)以及其中的灰色 區(qū)之間有小門可供動物自由穿梭。動物每次處于給藥區(qū)就會在藥物獎賞性效應(yīng)的作用下對黑色和白色區(qū)域產(chǎn)生位置上的偏好,其程度與藥物的精神依賴性相關(guān)。 9. 懸尾 懸尾實驗主要用于抗抑郁、鎮(zhèn)靜以及止痛類藥物的研究。懸尾實驗系統(tǒng)適用于大鼠、小鼠或其他實驗室動物,通過固定動物尾部使其頭向下懸掛,記錄處于該環(huán)境的動物產(chǎn)生絕望的不動狀態(tài)過程中的一系列參數(shù)。 10. 條件性恐懼實驗(fear conditioning) 條件性恐懼分析用于小型嚙齒類動物(大、小鼠)環(huán)境相關(guān)條件性恐懼實驗研究。抗抑郁藥和抗中樞興奮藥可以明顯縮短不動狀態(tài)持續(xù)的時間。實驗過程中,實驗對象被給與一個聲音信號,隨后給予電擊刺激。該訓(xùn)練稱為條件性訓(xùn)練,訓(xùn)練結(jié)束后實驗動物進(jìn)行聲音信號或環(huán)境性實驗。一般情況下嚙齒類動物對相應(yīng)的環(huán)境和不同環(huán)境下同樣的聲音信號都會做出明顯的條件性恐懼反應(yīng),如靜止不動。 11. 震驚條件反射(startle and pre-pulse inhibition)
12.新穎物體識別(novel object recognition) The subject is habituated to the test chamber and allowed to freely explore for a set time. A novel object is placed in one of the two enclosures, and the percentage of time the mouse spends in the section with the new object is compared to the time spent in the section with the empty enclosure. In a later session, the time spent with the same object might be compared to time spent with a newer, more novel object.
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