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來源:上海之信儀器有限公司   2015年05月27日 09:01  

Microtome KD-3358 integrate modern and ergonomical design, adopted with our advanced technique, with the excellent performance, it reflect as the characteristic of latest model in Histo-pathology field, that point the way to the future.

Technical Parameters:

1. Motorized drive.

2. Compatible Embedding Material: Paraffin, Plastic.
3. Range of the thickness of slice: 0.25 - 60 μm.

Range of the thickness of trimming: 0.25 - 60 μm.
4. Setting thickness of slice ranges:
          0.25----1 μm     increment       0.25 μm
            1----10 μm    increment           1 μm
           10----20 μm    increment          2 μm
           20----60 μm    increment          5 μm.
5. Object feed: 28 mm.
    Vertival specimen stroke:   60 mm.
6. Maximum section area: 50 x 50 mm

7. Motorized advance/Specimen return range: 0 - 38 mm.
8. Movable range of the blade holder:
                                   Front/Rear: + 25mm.
                                   Left/Right: + 20mm.
9. Dimension and weight: 520 x 430 x 330 mm, 24 kg.

10. Working Voltage: 220 V, 50 Hz. / 110 V, 60 Hz. (optional)


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