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Fig 1. Heatmap of Gene Recovery Efficiency. Each row is one sample, and each column is one gene. Colors indicate the percentage of the target length (calculated by the mean length of all k-medoid transcripts for each gene) recovered.

Angio353_Fig4 (1).jpg

Fig 2. Total Length of Sequence Recovery for Both Coding and Non-coding Regions Across 353 Loci for 42 Angiosperm Species. Reads were mapped back to either coding sequence (yellow) or coding sequence plus flanking non-coding (i.e. intron) sequence (purple)… The total length of coding sequence targeted was 260,802 bp. The median recovery of coding sequence was 137,046 bp and the median amount of non-coding sequence recovered was 216,816 bp (with at least 8x depth of coverage).


Johnson MG, Pokorny L, Dodsworth S, Botigué LR, Cowan RS, Devault A, Eiserhardt WL, Epitawalage N, Forest F, Kim JT, Leebens-Mack JH, Leitch IJ, Maurin O, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Wong GK, Baker WJ, Wickett NJ. A Universal Probe Set for Targeted Sequencing of 353 Nuclear Genes from Any Flowering Plant Designed Using k-Medoids Clustering. Syst Biol. 2019. 68(4):594-606. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syy086.


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