T150Flasks : 07-200-64
T75 Flasks : 10-126-37
Cryovials : 03-374-059
45um filters: : 09-754-21
05% Trypsin : sh30236.01
25% Trypsin : sh30042.01
Indolent Lines – MOC1, 22
Aggressive Lines – MOC2
Thawing cell lines
1. Add 21ml IMDM MOC line media to a T150 before thawing (or 10ml to a T75 if wanting to thaw into aT75)
2. Remove cryovial from liquid nitrogen, spray vial with 70% alcohol to clean it.
3. Hold bottom-half of cryovial in 37Cwaterbath (without letting lid touch water, to avoid contamination) until there is a small chunk of ice left floating.
4. Spray cryovial again with ETOH and place in hood. Pipette 1ml of media to the 1ml of cells and add these 2ml to the T150 that already contains media (to make 22ml total for one T150).
5. Take some media already in T150 flask and rinse the cryovialand plate this to ensure you have all the residual cells left in the cryovial.