品牌 | Lovibond/羅威邦 | 價格區(qū)間 | 面議 |
產(chǎn)地類別 | 進口 | 應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域 | 農(nóng)業(yè),文體,石油,建材,紡織皮革 |
Comparator 2000+比色器為二視場,通過一個可選的照明單元為色度等級提供恒定不變的觀察條件。測量方法是使樣品的顏色在視覺上與Lovibond比色器色標盤上的玻璃濾光片的色度等級相匹配。
Nessleriser系列比色器具有更長的光學路徑并且更靈敏、更精確,用來測淺色的樣品。其測量方法是使裝在比色管里的樣品顏色用目視方法與比色盤里的Lovibond玻璃濾光片的顏色匹配。Nessleriser 2150基于光程長度為113mm (50ml) Nessler管,與色度盤NSH, NSB或NSX一起使用。Nessleriser 2250是基于光程長度為250mm的Nessler管,對于測較低的Pt-Co色度值更靈敏,與色度盤CAA和CAB一起使用。如果用戶要求用ASTM D 1209標準方法,則可以選用有288mm (100ml)Nessler管,對應(yīng)色標盤是1209/1和1209/2。
2000系列色度儀 比色器主要有四種:
Comparator 2000+(矩形比色皿)
Nessleriser 2150 (113mm比色管)
Nessleriser 2250(250mm比色管)
Nessleriser 1209(288mm比色管)
型號 | 應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域 | 色標盤刻度 |
AF325,AF327, AF328,AF329 —Pt-Co/Hazen /APHA | 水質(zhì)分析,清油、化學品、石化產(chǎn)品,如甘油、增塑劑、溶劑、Ccl4、石油醇等淺黃色液體 | AF325 10-250mg Pt/L AF327 0-70mg Pt/L AF328 0-70 mg Pt/L AF329 0-250mg Pt/L |
AF330 —EBC | 啤酒,麥芽糖,糖溶液等液體 | 4/14A 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 4/14B 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 10.0 4/14C 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 4/14D 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 |
AF333—碘 | 溶劑、增塑劑、樹脂、油和脂肪酸 | 4/57 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 mg/100 ml |
AF334—Gardner | 樹脂,清漆,油漆,干油,脂肪酸,卵磷脂,葵花籽油以及亞麻籽油 | 4/30AS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
AF335—美國藥典 | 藥物溶液 | 4/66A標盤 A, B, C, D, E |
AF509/—ASTM | 燃料 | 4/81標盤 1,2,3,3.5,4,4.5,5 |
ASTM | ASTM D 1500定義的ASTM色標是檢測石油色度的zui常用的一個標準。按照ASTM色度,將16塊標定了光投射率和色度的玻璃濾光片鑲嵌在兩張色度盤中,以0.5個色度單位為間隔從0.5(zui淺)遞增到8.0(zui深)。 |
EBC | EBC色標是經(jīng)歐洲釀酒協(xié)會認可的色度標準,用于測量啤酒、麥芽糖和糖類溶液等色度。EBC色標的范圍為2-27,低刻度主要針對淺黃色的麥芽糖和啤酒,而高刻度針對的是偏紅的暗色麥芽糖、啤酒和焦糖等。如果樣品顏色不在測量范圍之內(nèi)(如濃縮果汁),可以采用稀釋樣品和使用不同光程比色皿的方法來解決。 |
FAC | FAC色標(AOCS Cc Ba)定義,是一個奇數(shù)值色標,通過美國油類化學家學會脂肪分析委員會(Fats Analysis Committee of the American Oil Chemists Society)認可,用于脂肪、深色油和動物脂的顏色分級。 |
Gardner | 在ASTM1544中的色度等級是單純以顏色特征劃分標樣透射率等級而制定的。測量范圍由淺黃到深紅。加德納色度被廣泛應(yīng)用于石油、印刷及化學領(lǐng)域,如樹脂、清漆、油漆、干燥熱油、脂肪酸、卵磷脂、葵花籽油和亞麻籽油等。色度標準根據(jù)標準濾光片的色度由1(zui淺)到18(zui深)被分為18個等級。 |
Series52 | Series52(棕色)se度標準zui初是用于測量釀酒和蒸餾工業(yè)的色度的。在歐洲啤酒色度測量大都使用EBC色度標準,但威士忌和部分啤酒色度的測量仍然使用Series52(棕色)se度標準。 |
美國*儲備樹脂 | ASTM D 509標準規(guī)定的美國*儲備樹脂色標(US Naval Stores Rosin Scale),廣泛用于評價樹脂顏色的質(zhì)量。該色標體系由15個色標組成,由字母(XC,XB,XA,X,WW, WG,N,M,K,I,H,G,F,E,D)表示,其中XC表示zui淺色,D表示zui深色。 |
The Comparator System 2000 is based on a versatile 2-field visual comparator with an optional lighting unit to guarantee correct lighting conditions for colour grading & colorimetric analysis. The sample colour is visually matched in the comparator instrument against graded coloured glass filters in Lovibond test discs. | |
| AF330 EBC Colour Scale (European Brewery Convention) Supplied with Comparator 2000+ with Daylight 2000 |
433300 | AF330 EBC Colourscale Package |
| AF330 EBC Colour Scale (European Brewery Convention) Supplied with Comparator 2000+ with Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit (EBC Version), EBC discs (4/14A, 2 - 6; 4/14B, 6 - 10; 4/14C, 10 - 18; 4/14D, 19 - 27), 2 x W680/OG/25 mm fused cells |
433320 | AF332 EP Colour Scale Package |
| AF332 EP Colour Scale (Ph Eur Method 2.2.2) Supplied with Comparator 2000+ with Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit, EP discs (4/64A, R1 - R7; 4/64B, Y1 - Y7; 4/64C, B1 - B9; 4/64D, BY1 - BY7; 4/64D, GY1 - GY7), 2 x W680/OG/40 mm fused cells |
433340 | AF334 Gardner Colour Scale Pkg |
| AF334 Gardner Colour Scale (ASTM D1544, ISO 4630) Supplied with Comparator 2000+ with Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit, Gardner discs (4/30 AS, 1 - 9; 4/30 BS, 10 - 18), 2 x W680/OG/10 mm fused cells |
433310 | AF331 IFU Colour Scale Package |
| AF331 IFU Colour Scale (International Fruit Juice Union) Supplied with Comparator 2000+ with Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit, IFU discs (4/48, 1 - 9; 4/49, 9 - 17; 4/50, 17 - 25), 2 x W680/OG/13 mm fused cells |
433330 | AF333 Iodine Scale Package |
| AF333 Iodine Colour Scale (DIN 6162) Supplied with Comparator 2000+ with Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit, Iodine discs (4/57, 1 - 9 mg/100 ml; 4/58, 10 - 50 mg/100 ml; 4/59, 60 - 300 mg/100 ml), W680/OG/10 mm & W680/OG/25 mm fused cells |
433290 | AF329 Hazen Colourscale Pack |
| AF329 Platinum-Cobalt/Hazen/APHA Units (ASTM D1209), 0 - 250 mg Pt/l Supplied with Nessleriser 2150 with Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit and Nessler cylinders, Nessleriser 2250 upgrade with Nessler cylinders, Hazen discs (CAA, 0 - 30 mg Pt/l; CAB, 30 - 70 mg Pt/l; NSB, 70 - 250 mg Pt/l), stand for using Nessleriser with natural lighting |
433250 | AF325 Hazen/Apha Colourscale P |
| AF325 Platinum-Cobalt/Hazen/APHA Units (ASTM D1209), 10 - 250 mg Pt/l Supplied with Nessleriser 2150 with Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit and Nessler cylinders, Hazen discs (NSH, 10 - 90 mg Pt/l; NSB, 70 - 250 mg Pt/l) ,stand for using Nessleriser with natural lighting |
433280 | AF328 Hazen/Apha Low Range Pkg |
| AF328 Platinum-Cobalt/Hazen/APHA Units (ASTM D1209), Low Range, 0 - 70 mg Pt/l Supplied with Nessleriser 2250 with Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit and Nessler cylinders, Hazen discs (CAA, 0 - 30 mg Pt/l; CAB, 30 - 70 mg Pt/l) |
433270 | AF327 Hazen/APHA Ness.D1209 |
| AF327 Pt-Co/Hazen/APHA Colour, Low Range, 0 - 70 mg Pt/l, 100 ml (288 mm) Nessler cylinders according to ASTM D1209 Supplied with Nessleriser 1209 with the Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit and 100 ml (288 mm) Nessler cylinders, Hazen discs (1209/1, 0 - 30 mg Pt/l; 1209/2, 30 - 70 mg Pt/l), deionised water |
433350 | AF335 USP Colour Scale Package |
| AF335 USP Colour Scale (USP 631 Color and Achromaticity) Supplied with Comparator 2000+ with Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit, USP Discs (4/66A, A - E; 4/66B, F - J; 4/66C, K - O; 4/66D, P - T), 2 x W680/OG/40 mm fused cells |
415090 | AF509/C Diesel Fuel Kit, 1-5 |
| AF509/C ASTM Color (ASTM D1500) of Marine Diesel Fuel (Type F76), limited range 1 - 5 Supplied with Comparator 2000+, ASTM Color disc 4/81 (1 - 5), 2 x W 680/OG/33 mm fused cells |
433305 | AF330/C EBC Colour Scale (Euro |
| AF330/C EBC Colour Scale (European Brewery Convention) Supplied with Comparator 2000+, EBC discs (4/14A, 2 - 6; 4/14B, 6 - 10; 4/14C, 10 - 18; 4/14D, 19 - 27), 2 x W680/OG/25 mm fused cells |
433325 | AF332/C EP Colur Scale (pH Eur |
| AF332/C EP Colour Scale (Ph Eur Method 2.2.2) Supplied with Comparator 2000+, EP discs (4/64A, R1 - R7; 4/64B, Y1 - Y7; 4/64C, B1 - B9; 4/64D, BY1 - BY7; 4/64E, GY1 - GY7), 2 x W680/OG/40 mm fused cells |
433345 | AF334/C Gardner Colour Scale |
| AF334/C Gardner Colour Scale (ASTM D1544, ISO 4630) Supplied with Comparator 2000+, Gardner discs (4/30 AS, 1 - 9; 4/30 BS, 10 - 18), 2 x W680/OG/10 mm fused cells |
433315 | AF331/C IFU Colour Scale |
| AF331/C IFU Colour Scale (International Fruit Juice Union) Supplied with Comparator 2000+, IFU discs (4/48, 1 - 9; 4/49, 9 - 17; 4/50, 17 - 25), 2 x W680/OG/13 mm fused cells |
433335 | AF333/C Iodine Colour Scale |
| AF333 Iodine Colour Scale (DIN 6162) Supplied with Comparator 2000+, Iodine discs (4/57, 1 - 9 mg/100 ml; 4/58, 10 - 50 mg/100 ml; 4/59, 60 - 300 mg/100 ml), W680/OG/10 mm & W680/OG/25 mm fused cells |
433355 | AF335/C USP Colour Scale |
| AF335 USP Colour Scale (USP 631 Color and Achromaticity) Supplied with Comparator 2000+, USP Discs (4/66A, A - E; 4/66B, F - J; 4/66C, K - O; 4/66D, P - T), 2 x W680/OG/40 mm fused cells |
- AF332Lovibond羅維朋 AF332歐洲EP藥典色差儀
- AF607 EBC啤酒比色計AF607 EBC啤酒比色計
- AF509/C ASTM比色計AF509/C ASTM油品比色計
- AF330 EBC啤酒比色計
- AF329 Pt-Co/Hazen/APAF329 Pt-Co/Hazen/APHA鉑鈷比色計
- AF 328 Pt-Co/Hazen/APHA鉑鈷比色計
- AF327AF327 Pt-Co/Hazen/APHA鉑鈷比色計
- AF325AF325 Pt-Co/Hazen/APHA鉑鈷比色計
- AF229 FAC脂肪油脂色差儀
- HI96785蜂蜜色度計HI96785微電腦蜂蜜色度測定儀
- ET4110ET4110蜂蜜色度測定儀
- E4100型EBC啤酒濁度快速測定儀E4100型EBC啤酒濁度快速測定儀
- 3000系列色度儀3000系列色度儀
- 2000系列色度儀2000系列色度儀
- Model F LovibondModel F Lovibond RYBN比色計