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NiI2 碘化鎳晶體晶體尺寸:10平方毫米晶體種類:紅外材料,鐵磁性材料,拓撲材料其他更多定制尺寸請聯(lián)系在線客服
NiI2 碘化鎳晶體晶體尺寸:10平方毫米晶體種類:紅外材料,鐵磁性材料,拓撲材料其他更多定制尺寸請聯(lián)系在線客服
VI3 碘化釩晶體晶體尺寸:10平方毫米晶體種類:紅外材料,鐵磁性材料其他更多定制尺寸請聯(lián)系在線客服
α-MoO3 晶體晶體尺寸:25平方毫米晶體種類:層狀氧化物其他更多定制尺寸請聯(lián)系在線客服
鉍單晶 Bi Crystal晶體尺寸:10平方毫米
碲單晶 Te Crystal晶體尺寸:10平方毫米
CrCl3 (chromium triichloride) is layered antiferromagnet which is rather easy to...
The ternary compound bismuth telluroiodide (BiTeI) is new class of polar or Janu...
Copper silicon phoshide CuSi2P3 crystals belong to the group I-IV2-V3 compounds ...
Ternary copper indium selenide crystallizes in CuIn7Se11 stoichiometry to form p...
Semiconductor analog of graphene: Graphene oxide has been synthesized at our R&D...
The only commercially available PTAS organics. To date our PTAS materials enable...
This product contains tellurene monolayer, few-layer, and thicker flakes in isop...
High quality monolayer MoWS? solutionThe first monolayer WS2 solution that is ma...
This product contains GeS mono-, few-layer, and thick flakes in isopropanol solu...
This product contains GeSe mono- and few-layer thick flakes in isopropanol solut...
The only commercially available PTAS organic salt. This is the type of nucleatio...
This product contains WSe2 flakes solution in ethanol. The WSe2 solution has bee...