human Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1C)Protein-shuomingshu
Protein Names:Glycated Hemoglobin
Synonyms: HbA1C
Species: Human
Size: 100μg
Source: Human Erythrocytes
Purity: >80%
Formulation: The HbA1c is supplied in a proprietary buffer formulation having pH 8.0.
The HbA1c was dispensed on the basis of HbA1c not total hemoglobin.
Applications: SDS-PAGE; WB; ELISA; IP.
(May be suitable for use in other assays to be determined by the end user.)
The HbA1c shows the average amount of glucose in the blood over a period of 3 months.
Sugar in the bloodstream can become attached to the hemoglobin in red blood cells
(glycosylation). Once the sugar is attached, it stays there for the life of the red blood cell,
which is about 120 days. The higher the level of blood sugar, the more sugar attaches to
red blood cells. The HbA1c is formed in a non-enzymatic pathway by hemoglobin's
standard exposure to elevated plasma levels of glucose. HbA1c is tested to monitor
nephropathy and retinopathy in diabetes mellitus.
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